OHP-Total Worker Health® Community Connections

Hire an OHP Intern

Our students are excited to apply their training, gain experience, and help your organization address its OHP issues through internships. The internships can range from short-term, voluntary positions to full-time, paid positions, depending on the availability of students and the nature of the project. We recognize the complex structure of the 21st century workplace and we welcome the opportunity to address the challenges facing your organization.

Portland State University (PSU) is providing its Ph.D. and Master’s level Applied Psychology students with the necessary skills to efficiently and effectively meet your OHP needs.

Among others, PSU students are prepared to address issues such as:

  • Employee health and stress

  • Employee engagement

  • Work/family conflict

  • Aggression and violence

  • Conflict resolution

  • Facilitating group learning

The students will address these issues by utilizing their skills in:

  • Leading focus groups

  • Climate assessment

  • Survey development

  • Conducting OHP-related workshops

  • Job analysis and redesign

  • Evaluating training programs

To explore the possibility of enlisting the services of a PSU student, please contact

Liu-Qin Yang (lyang@pdx.edu)

Participating Organizations

How Do I Sign Up My Organization?

To discuss the possibility of hiring an OHP Intern or other possible relationships with the PSU-OHP program, please contact our program director, Dr. Liu-Qin Yang, or our program associate director, Dr. Tori Crain.