Guiding Principles for Ethical AI Use

in Research and Graduate Studies @ PSU


Acknowledging the vital role of ethics in AI, we have established the following guiding principles for Research and Graduate Studies to steer its integration with purpose and integrity. These principles underscore a human-centric approach, stringent ethical standards, inclusivity, operational excellence, and robust security measures. They serve as our framework for unlocking AI's potential in research and administrative tasks, guaranteeing our methods and applications adhere to our fundamental values. We are committed to leveraging AI responsibly, fostering a culture of transparency, effectiveness, and innovation while actively embracing its capabilities to benefit our community and uphold ethical practices.

Foundational Ethics and Human-Centric Focus

Human-Centered AI:  Our approach actively complements and augments human intelligence, emphasizing AI as a partner in the intellectual and creative process rather than replacing human judgment. We commit to implementing and developing AI tools and applications that enhance and support human expertise while fostering and encouraging an environment where collaboration and critical thinking are paramount. 

Ethical and Accountable AI Use: We dedicate ourselves to the highest standards of ethics and accountability in AI, ensuring every output is rigorously vetted for accuracy and fairness. This commitment involves evaluating AI tools and production for biases. Our accountability measures are designed to ensure that when errors occur, they are promptly addressed, learning is integrated, and responsibility is clearly defined and acted upon.

Inclusivity and Diversity in AI: We pledge to ensure our AI initiatives champion inclusivity and embrace diversity by incorporating varied perspectives and making AI accessible to all community members. Our commitment involves, when applicable, using diverse datasets to prevent biases and creating and deploying equitable AI applications that reflect and serve our diverse community.

Operational Excellence and Security

Data Ethics and Security: We uphold the highest standards in AI data management by strictly adhering to ethical and legal guidelines and ensuring privacy. Our commitment extends to implementing existing data governance policies emphasizing ethical use, security, and data privacy. Additionally, we prioritize regular training on data ethics for everyone involved in AI projects, reinforcing our dedication to secure AI practices.

Education, Development, and Adaptability

Education and Continuous Learning in AI:  We commit to advancing AI literacy across our community, equipping researchers and staff with knowledge and ethical practices in AI. Our comprehensive curriculum includes online courses, seminars, and workshops, complemented by a digital platform to facilitate continuous education. By promoting the exploration of new AI tools, we foster creativity and skill development and encourage our staff to innovate and apply AI in transformative ways.

Adaptable Evaluation and Responsible Deployment of AI: We prioritize the continuous evolution and responsible deployment of AI technologies, ensuring they meet the highest standards of ethical use, performance, and compliance. This commitment involves a regular evaluation process, where AI applications are rigorously tested against evolving ethical guidelines before and after implementation. By involving experts from relevant fields and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) in these evaluations, we strive to ensure our AI tools enhance operational capabilities and remain aligned with our values.

Community Engagement and Transparency

Transparency, Trust, and Community Engagement: Building on our ethical AI framework, we commit to fostering an environment of openness and trust where our AI practices are openly shared with our university community and beyond. We engage stakeholders in meaningful dialogue about our AI initiatives through regular updates, forums, and interactive sessions, ensuring their voices contribute to our plans. 

Impactful Implementation and Sustainability

Impactful and Responsible AI Applications: We are committed to integrating AI into our operations to boost efficiency and reduce workloads, focusing on applications that offer measurable advantages. We explore AI's role in enhancing productivity and streamlining processes by initiating pilot projects. Concurrently, we regularly implement a robust review process to assess AI's efficiency and overall impact, ensuring our applications are beneficial and aligned with our mission. 

Sustainability in AI Use: We acknowledge the potential environmental impact of AI technologies and commit to considering environmentally responsible practices where feasible. Our strategy includes exploring and possibly adopting measures to lessen the carbon footprint and resource consumption of our AI tools, where available. By recognizing that AI applications can also reduce the environmental impact of other operations, we aim to balance innovation with our dedication to environmental stewardship.