General EPAF Topics

Please note: Due to occasional updates, the screenshots in this guide may have a different look than what you see in real time.

Originator Summary

The EPAF Originator Summary displays only those transactions that you have originated that are still waiting to be approved or applied. This page contains two tabs: Current and History.

Current Tab

The Current tab shows two types of EPAFs: Waiting and Return for Correction.

NOTE: Only the Originator can make changes to the EPAF. If changes are made, the Originator must send and submit the EPAF for re-approval at all levels.

History Tab

All EPAFs created by the Originator are stored in the History tab. To check on the status of an EPAF, click on the History tab and view the status under “Transaction Status”.

Sorting EPAF Transactions

The Approver and Originator Summary menu gives you the ability to sort by fields. You can sort by Name, ID, Transaction, Type of Change, Submitted Date and Effective date. Select the field you want to sort by clicking on the double yellow arrows.

Transaction Statuses

Approver Summary

The EPAF Approver Summary page is visible to all users designated as an EPAF Approver. This page contains three tabs: Current, In My Queue, and History. This screen shows all actions that the Approver needs to take action on.

Current Tab

The Current tab is your EPAF inbox. This is where EPAFs appear that need your approval, and where you receive EPAF FYIs.

In My Queue

The In My Queue tab shows EPAFs that are still routing through the queues of your selected Approvers. These EPAFs are either submitted but not yet at the Approver level, or have been approved by the Approver, but are waiting with other approvals or for HR to apply.

Sorting EPAF Transactions

The Approver and Originator Summary menu gives you the ability to sort by fields. You can sort by Name, ID, Transaction, Type of Change, Submitted Date and Effective date. Select the field you want to sort by clicking on the double yellow arrows.


The History tab shows EPAFs that have been approved by the Approver. 

Approval Reminders

If an EPAF has been at the same approval level in the Approver Summary for more than 24 hours, an email (similar to the one pictured below) will be sent to the Approver that needs to take action on the request. Additional reminders will be sent every 48 hours if the request remains idle.

Approvals & FYI Notifications on the Fly

EPAFs have pre-defined approval levels for each action. You can add additional approvals to a particular Personnel Action you initiate. Adding an additional Approval level will require the EPAF to go through all of the approvals.

FYIs allow for a person to get a notice as a courtesy that a particular Personnel Action was initiated. There is no required action for the FYI level.

Adding Approvals or FYI Notifications

You can add additional Approvals and or FYIs two ways. If you know a particular EPAF will always have the same approval level you can set up your default routing queue so that it populates automatically every time you initiate that particular action. Refer to our Default Routing Queue for instructions.

You can also add additional levels on the EPAF itself by going into the 'Routing Queue'. At the bottom of the Personnel Action Form you will see the routing queue with predefined levels for you to populate. After the required levels have been populated you can add additional levels or FYIs by selecting the drop-down menu on the right hand side and selecting to either Approve or FYI.

The levels to choose from are:

Proxy Setup

(Note: These instructions refer to setting up a proxy in the EPAF system. Please refer to the web time entry proxy guide to setup timesheet proxies or the OAR guide to setup proxies for systems access or affiliate accounts.)

As an Approver you can assign proxies to approve on your behalf. To add proxies in Banweb go into the Employee Services Menu and select 'Proxy Setup'.

In this screen you can view your current proxies. You can add proxies depending on the levels that you're able to approve for.

Adding a Proxy

To add a proxy, go to the drop-down menu and search for the employee you want to designate as a proxy. You can search by name or their ODIN username. On the right hand side select the level that your proxy should approve on your behalf and click 'Save'.

You will see all the proxies available after you save, you should see what levels they can proxy for.

Removing Proxies

To remove a proxy select their name and click on the Remove box and click on 'Save'. This will automatically remove the proxy you have selected.

Act as a Proxy

Acting as a Proxy allows you to approve a Personnel Action on behalf of a primary Approver. If you have been given the proxy role you can access it by going into Employee Services and clicking on 'Act as a Proxy'.

This page allows the proxy Approver to only access relevant EPAF transactions for approval.

Approval Reminders

If an EPAF has been at the same approval level in the Approver Summary for more than 24 hours, an email (similar to the one pictured below) will be sent to the Approver that needs to take action on the request. Additional reminders will be sent every 48 hours if the request remains idle.

Default Routing Queue

This feature allows you to set up a default routing queue specific to the EPAFs you routinely originate so that you don’t need to select Approvers each time you originate the EPAF. You can establish a default routing queue specific to each type of EPAF you routinely originate.

Select the Approval Category for which you would like to save the routing queue and then click “Go”. Please note that you can only save one default per approval category.

Select the appropriate person for each approval level by clicking the magnifying glass.

Choose an action for each person in the routing queue. Actions include "Approve" (sends the EPAF to the next level), "Apply" (applies the EPAF to Banner), or "FYI" (includes a person in the routing queue for their information only).

Click “Save and Add New Rows.” Now every time you originate an EPAF for that Approval Category, your routing queue will be automatically populated for you.

Changing a User Name in the Default Routing Queue

Go back into the Default Routing Queue and select the Approval Category you would like to update and click “Go”.

Click on the magnifying glass for the Approval Level you would like to change, select the correct person, and then “Save and Add New Rows”.