Stay Connected

This Google Group will be our new way to get health science events, jobs, networking opportunities, and general updates direct to your inbox. Sign up here!

If you are an Alumni, subscribe to the Alumni Google Group! This Google Group will be our new way to get relevant opportunities (jobs, events, etc) sent to your inbox. Sign up here!

We send out quarterly Community Newsletters highlighting students, staff/faculty, and the program as a whole. Sign up here!

LinkedIn is a great platform to stay connected with the EXITO Community! We are hoping to grow our network here to help share relevant opportunities and resources between current Scholars, Alumni, and other EXITO community members.

Slack is an online messaging platform. BUILD EXITO started using this tool as a way for scholars and alum to connect with one another and discuss various topics. Feel free to join the discussions online and keep the conversations going post-Kickoff.

To all EXITO Community members, please forward any relevant opportunities from jobs and events to the We will share them with current and past Scholars.