Alternative/Differentiated Teaching

Alternative Teaching provides two different approaches to the same material. The class is divided into two groups, and each teacher focuses on the same learning outcome but utilizes a different approach or strategy. This allows for different learning styles or needs to be met while maintaining the same curricular goals.

Ways that a team may use this strategy:

  • One instructor may lead a group in predicting prior to reading by looking at the cover of the book and the illustrations, etc. The other instructor accomplishes the same outcome with the other group by asking the students to predict by connecting the items pulled out of a bag with the story.
  • The lessons may make use of varied materials. One group may be using technology based learning and the other print based materials.
  • The mode of learning for the students could be varied, for instance, on teacher may provide an oral presentation of the material, while another teacher provides the content in written form.
  • It is helpful to complete a survey/inventory with students prior to creating groups for alternative/differentiated teaching so groups are created with the students’ strengths in mind.