
I am a New Englander by birth and upbringing, and have lived in many parts of the US. Now, I am firmly entrenched in the lovely Pacific Northwest. 

Prior to my philosophy career, I had a number of jobs, including as a packing clerk at a bumper sticker company, a field hand in a cotton field, a consultant at an econometrics firm, and an "ontological engineer".


I enjoy running, vegan cooking, and getting out into nature. I take lots of photographs, and once had a photography exhibition at a small gallery in Portland. You can find some of my photographs here.


In grad school I was a DJ at a college radio station, and I enjoy music of all kinds. I play guitar and mandolin, though with more enthusiasm than skill. I once entered the Portland State Campus Rec Three-Point Shootout, and emerged victorious, with a prize that is, at once, a t-shirt, a medal, and a trophy.

My first name is pronounced AH-vrum, with the first syllable sounding like what one exclaims when one has found a tiny bit of enlightenment. However, no actual enlightenment is guaranteed upon meeting me. I typically go by he/his pronouns, but feel free to use they/their if you'd like.


I am married to Amie Hiller, who is a neurologist and medical researcher. We have two kids who, truth be told, are rather adorable. Amie's Erdős number is 5. I am ridiculously proud of this. She is not.