Interview with Lars Larson

(Email Amanda for a copy of MP3 file)

Listener Responses:

Congratulations.  I'm listening to you right now on Lars' show.  I'm a fan and frequent writer to his show and I'm enjoying hearing someone as competent as you pinning him over and over with logic. You're absolutely right, he isn't listening - he's filibustering.

I would have enjoyed hearing you develop the idea of the fascination with making enemies.  I knew as soon as I heard that phrase exactly where he would go with it.  After hearing you for a minute or so it was clear to me that you are not talking primarily about the US as a nation, but as you said, culturally.  And you're right again...if we are going to solve terrorism in the long term, not only do we have to hunt down people engaged in terrorism, but we need to understand what motivates them so that, if possible, we can stop it from spreading from generation to generation without end.  It's like killing ants - it's one thing to step on them one at a time, but if you have a serious infestation you need to study their habits so you can either destroy the nest or get them to move elsewhere.



Wow!  I just heard you on the Lars Larson show.  What a wonderful discourse!  You are amazingly well spoken and were a pleasure to hear speak!  I enjoyed hearing you and Lars spar regardless of my own viewpoints.



I am glad that you were able to stand up for yourself like that and actually state your perspective so clearly. I was offended at how Lars continued to badger you. Your responses were cool and to the point (over and  over and over again).  I thought it was great when you asked him if it would be alright if another country came to the US and carpet bombed us to get rid of the "bad guys."

He just implied that you don't like America! I wonder flawed logic and fallacies is all he bases his arguments on. I feel that our education system and humanity has a chance when there are people like you working to broaden the perspectives of our students.


Eugene OR


I am a very conservative individual who has occasion to listen to Lars Larson from time to time. Although I joined in the middle of your conversation today I found your insights to be very powerful.

I was impressed with your patience as the very points you were trying to make were twisted to, in effect, demonstrate the points you were making. It made what you were saying very real to me.

Sometimes I enjoy listening to Lars browbeat a guest with whom I disagree.  Perhaps it's a type of sport. Maybe it's time to rethink whether it is a healthy sport.

Thanks you very much for the help you provided to at least one individual. I have much to think about.



I listened to you on the Lars show. You are correct about Lars seeing everything in black, and white in a very complex world. What would you expect though, of a Bush supporter like him. You seem very intelligent, and educated - way too much for Lars to handle. He amazes me as he constantly confirms his ignorance with his own words. It's funny we are so worried about terrorist from other countries, when up until 9.11 the worst terrorist we encountered in the continental United States was a good old American veteran boy with nothing but a rental truck.... No - don't try and understand anything, just start shooting ala shock and awe.

You keep teaching, and don't pay any attention to him, as I hear him playing sound bites of you, and stating false ideas that he somehow interpreted.


Tualatin, OR


You were so brilliant today on the Lars show.  I'm the opposite of a fan but I occasionally listen for "social studies".   Usually it makes me sad but today was amazing.  You held up like a total intellectual warrior.  I was so impressed by how strong you were.  You kept your cool so there is no way he can accuse you of being a bitch.  Mean/stupid/bullheaded people always pull that card on women and you left no opportunity for that.  

Also I want you to know that it is totally clear to any reasonably intelligent person that he consistently misrepresented you.  He tried to use you as a pawn in his sensationalistic career and you fought it brilliantly.  I am amazed at the amount of intelligent dialogue you were able deliver in that context.  I really think that your performance on the show was as flawless as it could have been.

I know you are probably going to get hundreds of emails today so please don't feel like you need to respond.  I'm sure you are a bit shook up after that kind of experience and I just wanted to tell you how awesome you did.  I'm sure you don't condone name-calling but really that guy is just a hateful insecure asshole.  You should know that you held up with grace and style and I am really happy there are people like you in this world.  We need as many as we can to combat total and sheer stupidity.  



I applaud your recent appearance on the Lars Larson show. As I sat in the dentist chair and listened it was clear Mr. Larson just didn't get it. Though I am a good old fashioned social conservative and political moderate and probably would disagree with many of your ideas it was clear your approach to conflict resolution studies is an academic exercise and a social policy study - not a political or international studies question. I think you and Mr. Larson were speaking different languages not to mention that many conservatives decry what they perceive to be the amoral nature of the modern collegiate curriculum and therefore he tried to lump your ideas into that category. Too bad you couldn't get through and had words placed in your mouth. But as you stated Mr. Larson was doing precisely what your course is about. 

Best of luck and thanks for your efforts,


Just a quick thank you for having the courage to go on the air with Portland's pompous Ted Baxter wannabee. Having voluntarily made yourself into an audio pinata for all of Lars' knuckle dragging, mouth breathing sycophants, I want you to know that there are many secret listeners like me (the same fascination that forces us to stare at auto accidents forces me to occasionally abandon Air America for Lars, Savage, and Hannity!) who were thrilled to hear your calm, well-reasoned analyses that flew over Lars' head without any hope of him understanding your points..."Just kill 'em all, then they'll do what we say" is certainly a strange way to solve the world's problems, but a very simple solution for simple minds.

Thanks again for your courage and I, for one, am proud to have my taxes go to support institutions with dedicated educators like yourself.


I heard you on the Lars Larson Show yesterday. I'm sure your participation has filled your e-mail  box with some interesting comments. I think I have a different take on the debate and wanted to add one more e-mail to your in-box.

First, I appreciate the fact you went on with Lars. Though debate can be fun, it can also take an unfriendly tone and turn out to be uncomfortable. You're brave.

I'll start by saying that though I disagree with you, the debate was very interesting to me. My politics and lifestyle are conservative. I support the President and the actions he has taken against terrorism. Up until yesterday, I haven't understood the other side of the debate at all. It's not that I am not open minded or intelligent...I just don't think anyone on the left has articulated the other side very well, until you did.

It comes down to a fundamental difference of opinion on how justice is served. Do you attempt to understand your enemies, seeking middle ground through negotiation, rehabilitation and compromise? Or do you pursue evildoers seeking vengeance, retribution and restitution for their crimes? That difference of opinion makes sense to me and suggests a chasm that probably neither you nor I will ever cross.

I thought you were the best guest Lars has ever had. You were articulate and stood up to him with your ideas very well. You didn't shy away from his questions or add any spin. I am very impressed with your intellect and abilities.

The final point Lars made was to question whether you should be on the state payroll. In my perfect world, everyone would agree with me. It may not be as much fun, but it would sure be a heck of a lot easier. That isn't the world we live in and you have a right to your opinions. Your ability to articulate those opinions and willingness to stand up to critics and debate the issues puts you in a league almost by yourself. I disagree with you but am proud to see my tax dollars support you.

Finally, I have one question for you. When you and your class are engaged in debate, are there dissenting views voiced? I ask only because I hope for my side of the argument, that there is an anti-Byron in every class, who is equally as articulate and willing to engage you in debate.

Thank you,
