
Teaching philosophy

My primary goal as an instructor is to help students develop strong critical thinking skills so that they are well-prepared to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and creatively solve problems. To achieve this, I introduce students to relevant theoretical frameworks through foundational texts, then challenge students to apply these theories through real-world examples and case studies. I provide opportunities for students to connect theoretical concepts with local and global real-world issues. My assignments frequently require students to analyze data from real-world sources, and my classes include mixes of books, academic articles, and current news articles to provoke interesting discussions and develop students’ ability to critically analyze a range of material.

I am committed to diversity in the classroom, both in terms of educating a diverse student body and including materials that speak to diversity. I encourage students to engage with diversity issues by using examples and cases in the classroom that engage with issues of race, gender, and class. As an educator I promote an atmosphere of mutual respect, responsibility, and accountability. In the classroom I expect students to listen and participate actively and respect one another’s opinions. Knowing that students come from different backgrounds, I work proactively to improve in-class participation skills. I involve students in research wherever possible. In my classes I provide opportunities for students to conduct their own research projects on topics of interest, and encourage students to seek out learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

Current courses at Portland State University:

GEOG 230: Environment and Society

GEOG 345: Resource Management

GEOG 445/545: Topics in Resource Management: Political Ecologies of the American West

GEOG 446/546: Water Resource Management

GEOG 449/549: Geography of Food

GEOG 407/507: Seminar in Human Geography: Imagining Socioecological Transformation

GEOG 407/507: Seminar in Human Geography: Nature, Capitalism and Value

Other courses I have taught:

Clark University: Living in the Material World: The Political Geography of Resource Development

Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Introduction to Sustainability Studies

San Diego Mesa Community College: Introduction to Cultural Geography