STEM Challenges

The following STEM Challenges were part of the STEM Smaointe Distance Learning series. They can also be adapted for classroom based learning. The design and make process as outlined in the image below is encouraged. Click on the task card of each challenge to take you directly to the relevant e-bulletin.

Design & Make Sunglasses

Create a Chair

Create a Crazy Creature

Design & Make a Musical Instrument

Using Film to Inspire STEM Challenges:

Advisory Note

In this section of STEM Smaointe, we look at the use of film to inspire STEM challenges for your pupils to work on remotely. Pupils could watch the film at home or perhaps share the trailer with the pupils on your digital learning platform as a stimulus to the challenge.

Before recommending, showing or sharing any film excerpts, please check your school's Acceptable Use Policy. Ensure parental supervision/permission is advised/sought where appropriate.

STEM Challenges: Design and Make

"Designing and making is a process which draws on the whole curriculum and should be developed in association with and through visual arts, science and mathematics" (Science Curriculum, 1999, p. 8). Below you will find STEM challenges which incorporate elements of visual arts, science and mathematics. Encourage your pupils to follow the design and make process (as outlined in the image) while engaging in a challenge.

The STEM challenges below use the films Happy Feet/Cosa Sásta and Toy Story 4 as stimuli to the subsequent challenges. Choose from the suggested criteria or alternatively collaboratively devise criteria with your pupils as part of a live lesson.

"At all class levels, pupils are encouraged to work in groups and to share and communicate their ideas" (Science Teacher Guidelines, 1999, p. 21). In our current context of remote learning, consideration could be given to assigning a STEM Challenge across class levels in your school so that pupils sharing a home who attend the same school could participate collaboratively in the challenge irrespective of their class level.

Happy Feet/Cosa Sásta

In this STEM challenge, pupils will design and make their own animal that can dance with happy feet. Teachers can choose from the suggested criteria below to allow for differentiation for their pupils.

Design and make an animal that can dance with happy feet. Follow the design and make process as outlined in the image above.

Suggested criteria:

  • Your animal must be able to stand on their feet

  • Your animal will only dance to certain music, what music will you choose and why?

  • You must be able to move the legs of your animal

  • You must include a background to show the habitat in which the animal lives (e.g. the desert, jungle, forest etc.)

Additional Activity - Stop Motion Animation

Once you have created your animal, you could show their happy feet in action using stop motion animation. This could be completed using a digital device at home that can take photos. When completing stop motion animation, try to keep your camera in the same position for each photo. Start by placing your animal in front of the background and taking a photo. Next, move your animal slightly and take another photo. Continue this process to show the movement of your animal. Once you have enough photos taken, you can flick through the photos quickly to show your animal's happy feet! Watch the video that is linked to show how stop motion was used to show movement. A link has also been attached under the video which explores stop motion animation in greater detail.

Toy Story 4

Bonnie makes a new toy Forky in school. Even though you have some great toys at home, you've been at home a lot recently so you'd like something new to play with.

Design and make a toy you would like to play with. Follow the design and make process as outlined above.

Suggested criteria:

  • Your toy must be made from _______ (specify a material).

  • The toy should be made from all recyclable materials.

  • Your toy should be soft.

  • It must be suitable for children over 7.

  • The toy you create should be a brand new invention and not a replica of a toy that already exists.

  • It must be at least 10 cm in height.

  • The toy must make a noise.

For a more detailed description of this task, click the further guidance button on the left.