Contact Program

The Contact Room (Room 202) is open every day, to support both online and in-school students who are on the Contact list. If you have Contact students in your class struggling academically or in need of social/emotional support, please call (x 202) to ensure there is space before sending a student. Online students will be supported through email, phone, and video calls. 

determine which department and staff member is monitoring each student. 

necessary steps before reaching out. 

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing:  Resources  is Canada's only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory. Through Jack Talks, Jack Chapters, and Jack Summits, young leaders identify and dismantle barriers to positive mental health in their communities. They have launched an edHUB - free, class-room ready mental health education resources that are youth-friendly.

Please see this Teacher Resource for a digital guide offering lessons and learning activities.

Addressing Discriminatory Slurs

Please click here to read the memo and access the document, ‘Addressing Discriminatory Slurs: An Educator’s Guide’ which is intended to provide information and clarity on immediate and supportive next steps when a discriminatory slur and/or statement is used anywhere on Board property. 

Student Injury Form

When you are witness to a student injury, instead of filling out the hard copy of the Student Accident Form,  fill in the Google Form below. Please also email Gloria Donnelly, as well as alpha VP.

Multilingual Community Interpreter Services

Trained interpreters from MCIS, representing a variety of languages, are available to staff who may require interpreters for parent/guardian and teacher conferences or meetings about individual students.  Discussions may involve social work matters, social and emotional learning, special needs, strengths/needs, information gathering, or other factors related to student progress.  If you require this service, please connect directly with MCIS.  The process on how to access an interpreter can be found by clicking here

Tools to Support Students

DLS Infographic.pdf

Process of Interventions   

Process of Prevention

If you have students in your class who you have identified as possibly struggling in the course, please refer to the flowchart: Process of Interventions for Students not Engaging (Process of Interventions for Classroom Teacher slide) as a guide and resource for steps teachers should take to gain support from teams in the school.

Staff Well-Being

Contact Support: Additional Student Support

From The Library

The Library Staff has created a website to share with staff & students. It will provide a landing page that students and staff can use to access many features, including:

Our hope is that staff can share this with students, who can then bookmark it and refer to it when needed. The website will also have a feature that allows students to contact Library Staff directly with questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Here is the link:

Thank you,


Ms. Lappas

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to remind you that the Library's Google Classroom has a section dedicated to Heritage Months, where we post resources, choice boards, etc. Please check out as needed.

Also, if you are not a member of this group, click on the invite link below to join. Most permanent staff are already included, but LTOs might not be.

Thank you,


Ms. Lappas

AP Exams