Time...is NOT on my Side

Time (or anything else for that matter) is (sometimes) DEFINITELY NOT on my Side

Let me take a moment, if I may, to verbalize some of my frustrations and challenges with the process I've been undertaking in the makerspace. I'm usually a very positive person, but some days I've just had it. And yes, today is one of those days.

1) It actually takes a LOT OF TIME to design maker activities for classes. Countless hours are spent on the internet searching for differentiated digital and nondigital making ideas that relate to the books - only to be disappointed to realize we can't afford to do half of them. Once I figure out what we can do - I upload all the resources to the website "Making with the Forest of Reading". And what happens when "life gets in the way" and I am only able to create one or two maker activities to go with the book? What then? While I'm rushing in the learning commons preparing for the lessons....I am worrying - what if it's not enough? What if my frustration is seeping through when I'm working with the students? How will that impact the learning? What if I'm totally missing out and no one will like what has been planned? What if I'm totally missing the point of the maker experience? (Thankfully, what I've observed from the reactions of the students, this is not the case so far)

2) We only have 40 min periods, so if classes are late to the learning commons, the making is rushed. What does that say for the quality of the experience? Some teachers have solved this issue by booking double periods with me and that is working much, much better....but there are only so many periods when we to be able to do that? How do we make this process more equitable for all classes in the school?

3) When I use the term "collaborative periods" (time allocated in the LLC schedule where teachers and classes come into the library to co-teach and collaborate with me) sometimes I use that term very loosely. While I'm sure teachers appreciate the making that is going on it frustrates me that some don't take a more active role with their students to actually see what learning is transpiring. (Don't get me wrong, I've actually formed some awesome relationships with teachers and they have transferred making to their classrooms - but today isn't that day) How can we build capacity in making and a making mindset with our students if the teachers aren't visibly seen as recognizing the value? I often share the making that is happening with the teachers that I provide planning time for with ideas how we can connect to their curriculums, with often no follow up. I wonder how we can work more effectively together. I realize that we are a new school, a new student population and new staff - we are all new to each other. I do have to realize relationships take time to develop. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will our makerspace and subsequently the transference of making to the classroom. I DO understand that everyone is feeling the pressure, but that doesn't make me any more patient. I want making everywhere NOW! I wonder how I can continue to form relationships and build making capacity in the school. (Perhaps through their students?) How can we build in some professional learning opportunities? Must make time to track down Jim (my principal)....again. He successfully eludes me most of the time (because I am always asking for money for the makerspace ... I NEED THINGS OK?), but NOT TODAY! :)

4) Sometimes I don't have time to document because I'm so busy facilitating. Documentation works best when I'm collaborating and working with other teachers, but sometimes I'm on my own. I assume this will become easier as students master more of the tools we are introducing them to, but we aren't there yet.

5) I don't often have time to interpret the documentation I've collected with teachers. Most of the documentation I'm sharing is in snatched conversation in the hallways or staff room. Some teachers will actively seek me out to interpret student learning together, but this is the anomaly, not the norm. How do we build time for this in our schedules? Currently, our school has a community planning time for each division that occurs every day seven. I'm not included in this planning time as I'm often providing the coverage for the teachers that are meeting. I would really like for this to change next year.

Whew! I feel a little better now that I've let it all out.

Now to work on some solutions....