Academic Upgrading & Transition Programs

Academic upgrading programs allow students (without the prerequisite courses) to meet the admission requirements for college or university programs. Are you thinking about university or college but missing some requirements? These transition programs might be perfect for you!

Carleton University - Enriched Support Program

This full-time program offers you the opportunity to:

The ESP provides structured support that helps with the transition to university level studies. As an ESP student, you can enroll in up to three first-year classes per term and have access to a network of supports.

Complete the program with the required average and you can earn admission to degree programs in:

How does it work? Read Carleton's ESP information page for more details here: Program - Enriched Support Program ( 

College Academic Upgrading Programs: Click HERE      College to University Transfer Process: Click HERE

Humber College - Academic Upgrading Program

The Academic Upgrading (AU) is a tuition-free, non-postsecondary program offered at the Humber North Campus with classes usually scheduled Monday to Friday from 8:55 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. The AU program is an Employment Ontario program funded by the Ministry of Labour, Training & Skills Development.

The purpose of the Academic Upgrading Program is to help learners to improve their English, math skills, and computer skills as well as biology and chemistry in lab-based environments.

The Academic Upgrading Program also offers learners assistance in the following:

The Academic Upgrading Program is FREE to learners who qualify.

The faculty and staff in the program are committed to helping you form a clearer picture of your career and educational goals as well as the steps that you need to take to reach those goals. Remember the key to successful learning and growth is planning.

Sheridan - Academic Upgrading Program

Academic Upgrading is a tuition-free program that provides you with the admission requirements needed for undergraduate certificate, diploma or advanced diploma college programs or workplace skills needed for employment.

The program is recognized by all colleges in Ontario and is tailored to meet your specific educational needs.

Academic Upgrading does not meet the admission requirements for Sheridan’s degree or post-graduate programs.

For more information click here: Academic Upgrading | Pathways and Transfer Students | Sheridan College 

George Brown College's Academic Upgrading (A751) is a tuition-free program that will help improve your reading, writing, math and science skills. It is an ideal program if you are English-speaking, have not yet completed high school credits, but are interested in pursing college-level post-secondary studies, further skills training, apprenticeship or employment. We offers several intakes each year with full-time and part-time study options available. 

Prior to starting (A751), you will be required to complete a reading and writing assessment to determine your suitability and placement in the program.

About the Academic Upgrading Program:

Transition Support Post- Secondary and Post Secondary Certificate Programs

Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities

Transition to Post-Secondary Education

This guide is a comprehensive tool to help all students, but specifically, to help students with disabilities arm themselves with the knowledge they need to access resources at college and university and make a successful transition to post-secondary education.

The Learn About Accessibility section of the guide outlines important post-secondary transition information for students with disabilities including the supports and services available at post-secondary. This section also provides information that is

The Research Schools section provides more detailed information regarding the specific information and available services at each publicly-funded college and university in Ontario. The information in this section has been compiled from websites and key personnel at post-secondary institutions, with links and contact information provided for students who would like more information on any item.

Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE)

Humber’s Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) certificate program is designed to provide adults with intellectual disabilities (also known as developmental disabilities) the opportunity to experience college life, develop enhanced independence and connect with like-minded individuals. It is the first college program of its kind in Ontario and is a leader in building collaborative, inclusive communities that support and promote experiential and transformative learning.

CICE Program Link 

College Vocational Program

George Brown College's Vocational program is an individualized, supportive program that helps bridge the gap for students who have graduated from high school with workplace credits or an Ontario Secondary School Certificate and who are having difficulty finding appropriate and meaningful work. It offers extensive assessment through the use of several vocational tools. In addition, students participate in career planning, communication and life skills training, and a work experience placement.

Vocational Program Link  

Developmental Skills for Career Success Georgian College

This program is designed for students with diverse learning challenges who require academic accommodations and modifications. Students enhance their academic and vocational knowledge and skills in both core and integrated courses and practice this learning on field placements. Learning Facilitators modify integrated courses to students’ specific strengths and abilities, and provide accommodations, tutor and support sessions to ensure the work is challenging and achievable. Students prepare for success in entry-level work, and build independence and self-advocacy skills for adult life. 

Developmental Skill Program Link 

Christian Horizons/Humber College Culinary Certificate Students Graduate

This Humber College program is a culinary certificate designed for special needs students who wish to learn basic culinary skills for the purposes of obtaining employment in the hospitality industry. Due to the pandemic, this current cohort completed the first half of the program online, while entering our culinary labs during the summer months to complete practical training with Chef Michael Cortese-Turk. This program is a great introduction to the culinary world, and our students go on to obtain gainful employment upon graduation. 

Culinary Certificate Program Link