Post Secondary Information

POST-SECONDARY INFO AT A GLANCE - Here is a helpful one glance document with all the important application deadlines and information session. 


Click on the the pictures below to be sent to hyperdoc versions packed with important links and planners to apply to university! Applications are due by January 15th, 2024. 

You can apply as of Sept 21st BUT take your time, this is a big decision!!!!

The fee to apply is $156.00 for three programs, after which each additional program is $50.00

Scroll down a little further for the Top Questions Suzuki Students ask Guidance Counsellors about applying for university/college.

Frequently asked Questions 

(or, let's clarify a few myths and misunderstandings about applying to university programs)

Should I apply early? What is an early offer of admission?

Applications can be sent in as early as Sept 21. However, there are many very good reasons why you should wait until you are sure

Will I be at a disadvantage if I took courses in night school or summer school? What about private school? 

If you took courses via night school or summer school, most universities consider these equally with your day school courses. There are a few exceptions (eg. Waterloo, but only for highly competitive programs). Check with your potential school to find out for sure.

If you took courses via private school, then yes, universities do not consider private school marks the same way as public school credits. Each university handles them differently, but many will reduce your private school course marks in their calculations, because they are FULLY aware of how inflated they can be. 

Do my Gr. 11 marks count? 

Gr. 11 marks count as a factor in determining whether to offer you admission a little early. They also count with college admissions. They can also count for scholarship applications. They are NOT used as a factor to reject you from any programs - so if Gr. 11 was a rough year for you, try not to worry too much - they will be paying attention to how you do this year. If you'd like to know which ones look at Gr. 11 marks, check out this reference guide put out by OUAC Resource Guide - Fall 2023 (

If I drop a course will it show up on my transcript? What if I take a course twice?

Yes, however if you drop a course prior to midterms, it will not be. If you drop after it will appear as WITHDRAWN on your transcript.

If you take a course twice, most schools will count the highest of the two marks and do not care about repeat attempts.

What happens if I don't get into my program?

A few things could happen. But one thing will happen - you will be okay! There are lots of opportunities:


Remember, many colleges offer full university degree programs!

Applications open September 28th. 

The date of First Consideration is Feb. 1, 2025

The fee to apply is $125.00 for 5 programs (max of 3 at one school)

Search for Colleges, Programs and Upcoming Events.

Need more details? Here's an in-depth guide to applying


Apprenticeships do not have the same application or entry process as college and university. There are several local organizations that run apprentice training programs, or upon finding a Master Tradesperson to sponsor you, you can earn your qualifications working and doing course work. You can also begin your apprenticeship BEFORE you graduate from high school. Check with your guidance counsellor to find out how!

Click here for more information about Apprenticeships

Click here for information about the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) PDSB OYAP Handbook 2021-22.pdf 

Click here to view the Trades Report (check Google Classroom or see your GC for the password to access).

Need a planning chart to keep track of all your programs? 

Download a copy of this Planning Chart to stay organized.

Postsecondary Organizer Chart