Week 3

On Thursday 12th May PDO school will celebrate World Book Day!

Please join in the celebration by sending children to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. Be creative with your costume; you don't have to buy one and could have fun making it yourself, or if you don't have a costume simply come dressed in your pyjamas as if you're ready for your favourite bedtime story! Our Early Years staff will be dressed as Aliens !

The aim of the day is to celebrate the joy and value of books and the art of reading. Children will be engaging in fun and creative story and book-related activities. We will conduct a socially distanced parade for children to show off their own costumes and to see each other's costumes too.

We look forward to having a fun day with your boys and girls!

Welcome back after a lovely Eid break. Please see the details for swimming below.

Saber Tooth Tigers (P1/Reception) Swimming

Lessons will take place on Tuesday 10th May. Pupils will change at school and need to bring the following swimming kit:

- Swimming costume

- Goggles

- Towel

- Flip flops

- Swim hats are optional

Tigers (Nursery) Water Play

The water play will commence on Thursday 19th May. As the sessions will take place in the morning, pupils can come to school in their swimming costume and bring P.E. kit to change into afterwards.

- Swimming costume

- Towel

- Flip flops

- Underwear

- P.E. Kit

As aliens descend on Planet Zum-Zee for a tea party, each brings their own mouth watering dish. It's yummy, It’s gloppy and it tastes just great!

What lesson do you think the aliens and little tigers will learn from this story? Keep watching this space to figure it out.....

I See, I Think and I Wonder

Tigers were busy today using their observation skills and prior knowledge to make connections between the alien story we are exploring and what they know about planets. They used the I see, I think, I wonder thinking routine to expand on their ideas and guide our inquiry.

How many eyes can you peg on to the aliens?

Tigers have been practising their counting and number recognition skills combined with their artistic sense to create as many alien eyes.

Our First Swimming Lesson

The children were so excited to resume their swimming lessons today. They all enjoyed splashing in the pool and practising some water skills.

It wa so much fun and they were all very brave!


This week we have decided to create our own story book together "That's Not My Alien". We talked about describing words and textures. Nursery helped us with the colouring and collecting the materials to create this special book.


World Book Day

The children had a great time dressing up as their favourite book characters and parading in the big gym! A special well done to everyone who participated in the Oman Inspired Portrait Competition, the entries were all wonderful.