About Me

About Me:

Born and raised on a farm just outside of Otley, I am a graduate of Pella Community High School. I attended Northwestern College in Orange City, IA where I double-majored in Business Education and Accounting. After spending 2 years teaching in Sigourney, IA in the Sigourney Community School District, I returned to school where I received my Master's in Business Administration from Drake University.

In both high school and college, I had the opportunity to travel and have spent time in Uganda, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Switzerland, and Mexico.

I love being a teacher, but didn't decide until "later in life" (the end of my sophomore year of college) that education was the right career path for me. I went to college with a political science/pre-law major and had every intention of going to law school when I finished my bachelor's degree. However, I decided that my passion wasn't in law -- it was in education and working with children, a career decision I credit my parents and the incredible teachers I had growing up with.

When I'm not at school, I enjoy spending time with my dog Harvey, being with friends and family, photography and scrapbooking, and traveling. I also LOVE coffee and chocolate. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do -- someplace warm, by the beach, is my favorite place to be!

In this, my 8th year at PCM High School, I am SO excited for what's to come! I am excited to be able to teach students about business and computers, helping to equip them for future success, and to encourage and inspire them to be lifelong learners.

Courses I teach include: Computer Applications (a class required of all PCM students), Accounting I & II, Intro to Business, Entrepreneurship, International Business, and Sports & Entertainment Marketing.

My Philosophy of Education:

I believe that every student is capable of learning and succeeding, and I have high expectations of each student. Expectations can be met when students do their best and try their hardest. In each of my classes, students will be challenged, stretched, and encouraged to think “outside the box.”

While I want, and expect, each student to succeed, I understand that success does not come without support, guidance, and instruction. I will make myself available as often as necessary and will work with students as frequently as requested or required in order to encourage success.

Learning, however, is the responsibility of each student. This means that if a student is falling behind, not understanding the material, or needs additional help, they need to ask for help and make an effort to catch up. This may mean late work needs to be completed and turned in, appointments need to be made to meet during Study Hall to work through the material more, etc. I truly believe each student can succeed and am excited to have the opportunity to teach students not only how to be successful in business class, but to use those same skills to be successful in the future!