Audition Information

Auditions for Pella Christian's 2023 Fall Musical, Fiddler on the Roof, will be Monday, May 20, 2024.  Production Dates will be October 31-November 2, 2024 at the Vermeer Auditorium at Pella Christian High School.  Auditions are open to all PCHS students who will be in grades 9-12 this coming fall--including present 8th graders who will be new freshmen at the high school.

Auditions will be held Monday May 20 from 3:30-5:00 in the PCHS Music Room

Audition Forms are DUE at Auditions   (please print off and fill the form out)


               >  Read over the Cast Expectations (BELOW), particularly noting extra rehearsals on Saturdays and/or evenings.

               >  The Rehearsal Schedule for the musical will be posted on the Theatre website in June.  It  might be helpful to look at the site now to get an idea of what PCHS's theatre program is like and what last year's rehearsal schedule looked like.  From our school website: www.pceagles.orgClick on: Student Life > Arts > scroll down to: Theatre > Find link to: Theatre Website.    Once on PCHS Theatre Home Page, note Tabs running down the left side:  Schedules > Rehearsal Schedule.

                >  Once the Rehearsal Schedule is posted, please look over it carefully and plan ahead for:  senior pictures, college visits (do them when no rehearsals are scheduled or in November), ACT dates and family vacations. 

               >  Please print the Audition Form from the Link at the bottom of the page, fill it out, and turned it in at the Audition Time.


Students Interested in Auditioning for Major Soloist/Parts:

(Tevye, Golde, Tzeitel, Hodel, Chava, Motel, Perchik, Lazar Wolf, Fruma Sarah, Grandma Tzeitel)

1.  If cast for a major soloist, students need to find time over the summer to work on their solos individually on their own.

2.  All students who have any solos ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE FIRST REHEARSAL, TUESDAY MAY 28 AFTER SCHOOL!  No exceptions!!  Clear that date now.  Music will be handed out and summer rehearsal dates will be finalized.  Bring your summer family calendars to note any conflicts. 

3.    Students need to commit to 3 or 4 REQUIRED summer rehearsals.  YOU CANNOT MISS THEM!  In the past, too many students were careless in meeting for these rehearsals and therefore were not solid in the memorization.  Fitz is too busy in the fall to teach you this music because you did not take the summer rehearsal time seriously!

4.  All music will be performed from memory to all the directors on Friday, August 23 @ 1pm.   Solid, with confidence!

5.  Students interested in a lead solo must audition individually from prepared music excerpts of the roles.  The music will not be taught during audition time; please prepare on your own by playing the notes and/or finding recordings on the Internet.  Your musical audition will need to show familiarity with the song and characterization in singing it...the more confident you are in your singing, the more likely you will be noticed for the part.

6.  Students may audition for ONLY two possible parts…that does not mean you won’t be considered for other leads.

7.  As always, musical solos will be cast on strong singing and dance and a confident stage presence...and NOT on seniority.

8.  Use the links below for the The Prepared Music excerpts:

Female Solo Leads Audition Music

Male Solo Leads Audition Music

Musical Summary of Fiddler on the Roof:

Broadway's favorite classic, Fiddler on the Roof, is returning to Pella Christian High School's stage this fall, 2024.  Winner of nine Tony awards when it debuted in 1964, this production is a staple of the musical theatre canon.

Rich in historical and ethnic detail, the musical follows the life of Tevye, a poor dairyman from Anatevka, who tries to instill in his five daughters the traditions of this tight-knit Jewish community in the face of Czarist Russia, 1905.  The sharp tongue of Tevye’s wife Golde and the meddling busybody of the matchmaker Yente add to the musical’s continuing popularity.   The show's universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of class, nationality and religion, leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy and sadness.

Iconic solos from the tailor Motel ("Miracle of Miracles"), the butcher Lazar Wolf ("To Life"), and from Grandma Tzietel and Fruma Sarah in the Dream scene, continue to add to the delight of the ensemble.

Popular musical numbers include "Tradition," "Matchmaker," "Sunrise, Sunset," "If I Were a Rich Man" and "Far from the Home I Love." 

Cast Expectations:

Should you be cast, the following expectations would be asked of you:

1.  The actual rehearsal time is about two months this fall for most people. Because most of the time is limited, your presence at all rehearsals is mandatory.  No exceptions!  A specific rehearsal schedule will come out after the show is cast.

2.  Once the Rehearsal Schedule is posted (mid-July), Cast Members will need to plan ahead for:  senior pictures, college visits (do them when no rehearsals are scheduled or in November), and ACT dates (plan early enough to find a date where there isn’t a conflict on a rehearsal Saturday).  You CANNOT miss rehearsals for these reasons!

3.  Family vacations, PASS and After-School Detentions are also NOT accepted excuses during rehearsals. 

4.  You cannot leave early during rehearsals (or arrive late), as we need to “see” what the stage looks like for each scene.  Besides, choreography is a mess when a partner is not there and reblocking a scene is a waste of other people’s time.  It's just too rough on the rest of the cast.  Try not to get ill; that's just as frustrating!  

5.  The first full rehearsal begins Tuesday, August 27.  All songs/parts will be taught/memorized after school the first few days! 

6.  Choreography begins immediately following—after school and on Tuesday evenings, mostly in September.  Lines, Blocking for Leads, smaller dance songs, and music review will also work around this, in the afternoons until about 5:30.  Full Cast dance choreography will be Tuesday evenings.  Please reserve Saturday September 28 as one of our final choreography sessions/review! This Saturday is required; you just have to be there!  Meal provided!

7.  On Saturday, October 19 we will have our first full run through, probably beginning at noon with a long afternoon, as we may have to finish Tech in the morning.  It’s mandatory, you gotta be there.  You just have to.  Meal provided!

8.  Beginning on Monday, October 21, every rehearsal will be a ‘full run’ for the last week and a half. They will go from 5:00- 9:30.   C’mon, I need at least 6 days with the entire lot of you to make you look good, right? 

9.  Saturday, October 26, is our third Non-School Day rehearsal. This may start in the afternoon and early evening--as it is usually All State Music Auditions. We will do makeup, pictures and meal.  No exceptions for all three Saturdays. 

10.  Be aware that Friday evening’s performance is ALSO the first game of varsity football playoffs.

11.  Please be faithful in filling out the audition form, especially asking for conflicts and desired parts!  Any possible conflicts need to be discussed BEFORE auditions.

12. If there are parts you do not want, please also note that as well. Some only want certain parts; that is perfectly fine; we simply want to work with those who want the parts. The bottom line is, be prepared to “commit for whatever it takes.” 

13. Remember that there are always more good people than good parts available.  Because you didn’t get a “good” part doesn’t mean you aren’t good--we just ran out of parts.

Character Descriptions:


Tevye: Lead; Sings 1 solo and verses of 7 other songs. This is his story.  Must carry the show 

                        and have a strong connection with the audience.  Humorous but also needs to show   

                        his stubbornness.  Proud Jewish man and very set in his ways.

Motel: The Tailor; Tzeitel’s love.  Sings a strong energetic tenor solo.  Needs to show       

                        sensitivity and nervousness.  Must have good comedic timing.  Loved by all.

Perchik: The Student; Hodel’s love.  Sings a solo and verses in 2 other songs.  Radical thinker       

                        for his day and must show this intensity.  Holds his own to Tevye.  Charming visitor to 

                        the community.  

Fyedka: The Russian Gentile; Chava’s love.  Smaller part.  Possible tenor solo.  Mainly a 

                        speaking role but a strong dancer.

Lazar Wolf: The Butcher; Sings 1 solo; not a lot of lines (1 big scene) but in many scenes; older      

                        widower; feisty and wealthy

Ensemble Members (in a lot of the scenes as dialogue with Tevye; will have lines, not a lot, and in the large dance numbers):

Rabbi:           Very respected; elderly, not a lot of lines

Mendel:           Rabbi’s son

Mordcha:   The Innkeeper; runs the local pub and friend of Tevye

Avram:           The Bookseller 

Constable:   Russian military official; overbearing

5 more to also be in the ensemble as Papas, Sons, Russians, Bottle Dancers, etc.

We also need a fiddler (violinist) to play a character on stage and also play in the pit.


Golde: Tevye’s wife; sings verses in 5 songs; strong-willed Jewish wife; hopes for good 

                        matches for her daughters; keeps the household going; exudes sarcasm; good comic 


Tzeitel: Eldest Daughter; Motel’s love; sings 1 solo; is the bride in the wedding scene;  needs to 

                        carry a desperate pleading scene with her father; radiates love for Motel

Hodel: 2nd Eldest Daughter; Perchik’s love; sings parts of 4 solos including the haunting solo 

                        as she says goodbye to Tevye;  leaves with her husband in the second act

Chava: 3rd Eldest Daughter; Fyedka’s love; sings 1 solo; principal dancer for memory scene; 

                        loves reading; breaks her father’s heart (and becomes “dead” to him) when she 

                        runs off with her Russian love who is a gentile

Shprintze: 4th Eldest Daughter; small part with few lines, though in several scenes; age 10-14

Bielke: Youngest Daughter; small part with few lines, though in several scenes; age 8-12

Yente: The Matchmaker; sings verse in 1 song; great comedic part (needs to be a stronger 

                        actress than singer); a widow and meddling busy-body who makes it her business to 

                        know all of the town gossip; somewhat obnoxious

Grandma Tzeitel:   soloist in the Dream Scene as a ghost (Golde’s deceased grandmother); will 

                                   double as an ensemble member in all the large ensemble and dance numbers

Fruma Sarah:           soloist in the Dream Scene as a ghost (Lazar Wolf’s deceased wife); small solo 

                                   but must carry the challenging song; will double as an ensemble member in all 

                                   the large ensemble and dance numbers

11 more to also be in the Ensemble as Mamas and Daughters, Villagers, etc.

We also need a fiddler (violinist) to play a character on stage and also play in the pit.


We also need to fill the following positions ASAP: (PLEASE SEE MVP BEFORE AUDITIONS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!)

1.  Student Director:  self-motivator who understands acting and can give character notes 

2.  Student Music Director:  self-motivator who understands music and runs the rehearsal track music 

3.  Dance Captain:  self motivator who takes charge in reviewing dance numbers as needed

4.  Production Coordinator:  self-motivator who oversees all technical crews and calls the show’s cues 

Audition Form   (Please print off, fill it out, and bring to Auditions)