Bond Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bond?

A school bond is similar to a home mortgage. It is a contract to repay borrowed money over time with a fixed, tax-exempt interest rate.  Voter approval of a bond election provides authority to the PBTISD Board of Trustees to approve the issuance of bonds. It DOES NOT automatically trigger the sale of bonds.

How was this bond proposal developed?

The 2023 Bond is a comprehensive plan developed by approximately 36 members of a Stakeholder Steering Committee composed of parents, grandparents, current and former educators, business owners, civic leaders, and taxpayers from across the district.  The committee met over three weeks in a series of meetings where they reviewed and analyzed every aspect of our district.  The information included tax impact scenarios, district finances, educational programs, and thorough discussions of both the immediate and long-term needs of the district.

What is included in the bond? 

In accordance with state law, the proposal includes three propositions.

Proposition A Includes:

Educational Replacement Facilities

Facility Renovations and Improvements

Support Facility Replacement

District-Wide Capital Needs


Safety & Security

Academic Services


Major Maintenance & Operations


Nutrition Services

Proposition B Includes:

Proposition C Includes:

Will this bond impact my student?

Yes.  The bond proposal will impact every student in PBTISD with either a new building, district wide upgrades or a new device.  

Is PBTISD growing? 

Yes. PBTISD added 446 students between 2014-2015 and 2019-2020.  That is an increase of 18.3%. Additionally, based on a demographic study, PBTISD is projected to enroll more than 3,000 students by 2025-2026, and more than 3,500 by 2030-2031. We have seen an increase of 3% over the last 2 years. PBTISD'S current enrollment is - 2,

What is M&O and I&S?

Texas school districts operate on two separate budgets, each of which pays for different types of items.  The M&O (Maintenance and Operations) pays for Daily Operating Expenses such as salaries, supplies, general maintenance, utilities, and educational programs.  The I&S (Interest and Sinking) portion of the budget is typically voter-approved bonds and can only be used to pay for capital projects such as new buildings, renovations, and capital expenses.

What will this bond do the the existing tax rate?

The passage of this bond will NOT raise the PBTISD tax rate. At this time, all projects included in the bond referendum can be constructed without raising the current tax rate of $1.0605! 

Keep in mind that the ballot language is required to state, "THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE" - however, PBTISD does not need to raise taxes to complete any of the 2023 Bond projects.

Why does PBTISD send money back to the State?

Because of local industry, PBTISD is the second most property-rich school district in Texas per capita.  However, because of Texas’ “Robin Hood” school finance laws, we must remit 85% of our local tax dollars on the M&O side of the budget to the state to be redistributed to other districts. The District has no choice; we have to set money aside to be recaptured by the state.

Will any of the money raised from this bond be sent back to the State?

No. Voter-approved bonds are paid for by the I&S side of the budget and are not subject to the “Robin Hood” school finance system.  This means that every $1 raised through a bond election stays right here in PBTISD. 

There was a bond passed in May 2021, why do we need another bond just two years later?

Yes, there was a bond passed in May 2021. That bond was for specific facility needs identified by the 2021 Stakeholder Steering Committee. Those facility improvements/projects are either completed, under construction, or will be approved by the Board by April 2023 for construction to start. Additionally, over the last two years the district has paid off over half of the 2021 Bond, saving taxpayers over $56 million in interest payments. The 2023 Bond will complete the facility and campus needs for the district and should be the last "big" bond for many years to come.

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