Bullying Defined:
Plum Borough School District Policy 249 reads, “Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or series of acts directed at another students or students, which occurs in a school setting and/or outside a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has an effect of doing any of the following:
1. Substantial interference with a student’s education.
2. Creation of a threatening environment.
3. Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
Please refer to district policy 249 for a further definition of bullying.
Life at the High School:
The daily life at the high school provides no room for bullying. Through student activities, teacher mentoring, peer assistance, the Student Assistance Program, induction and orientation, and RTII, we aim to promote positive behavior. All members of the high school community are responsible for accentuating the positive in attempt to minimize the negative bullying.
It is the expectation that both staff and students develop responsible decision making in the members of the school community. The theory behind our approach is to build upon the bullying prevention strategies presented in elementary and junior high school. We look to break the cycle of bullying through establishing a positive school culture.
What to Do When You See Bullying:
Though the aim is to rid our high school of bullying altogether, at times, it occurs. Should a student witness bullying, he/she should immediately report it to a teacher, administrator or any adult in the building. The district employee will ensure that the matter is addressed and/or the high school principals are made aware of the situation.
Interventions the High School Provides:
When dealing with pervasive bullying, the high school staff addresses the issue in a variety of ways. Students who choose to bully others will always be disciplined in accordance with the discipline outlined in the student handbook. The aim of all efforts is to educate students about holding themselves as responsible citizens who make positive contributions to society. Listed below are the interventions utilized at the high school to deal with the problem of bullying.
1. Counseling
2. Peer Mediation
3. Student Assistance Program
4. Police Intervention
5. School Discipline
6. Behavior Monitoring Chart
7. Positive Behavior Recognition
8. Bullying and Harassment Complaint Procedures
For Additional Resources visit the District Webpage