Travel & Lifestyle

Want to get outside and go for a hike here? This is Toyon Trail, which is a 30-minute drive from JLS!

Why Exercise is Important

During this pandemic, many of us have stayed cooped up at home where it’s safe. We’re either lying in bed watching YouTube, binging Netflix shows, or sitting in front of our computers attending class over zoom.

Inevitably, the vast majority of us aren’t being as active as we used to be. But what exactly are we missing out on if we remain inactive?

Most people know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know that it's beneficial to our mental health, too? Physical activity is essentially a form of self care! When you exercise regularly, it can actually boost your energy. It doesn’t sound like much, but it can completely change how you feel throughout the day.

Furthermore, exercising has been shown to improve your mood because it makes your brain produce endorphins that increase positive feelings. It also creates changes in a part of your brain that helps regulate stress and anxiety. What’s interesting is that your mind can gain from it no matter how intense your physical activity is!

Now that you’ve read about the benefits of working out, why not do yourself a favor and go take a walk, a run, or a bike ride.

Audrey K.