Healthy Attendance
Healthy Attendance is a way of clarifying we want everyone to attend when they are healthy and able to be with us safely.
Key Strategies - Healthy Attendance
Reiterate that ill students and staff members should stay home.
Disseminate and provide support for the implementation of strategies outlined in Identifying and Responding to Student Engagement tiered-response protocol.
Utilize the PAUSD Attendance Flow Chart to systematically address attendance concerns.
Implement attendance interventions consistent with Identifying and Responding to Student Engagement and the PAUSD Attendance Flow Chart.
Conduct outreach to identified students and families to determine barriers to attendance.
Provide parent education on the importance of attendance.
Assign Student Success Coaches to students with significant attendance concerns (Tier 3).
Develop individualized attendance improvement plans for students who are chronically absent.
How will we measure progress? (Key Performance Indicators)
School sites properly coding students’ absences for consistency and compliance.
School sites servicing students and their families based on chronic absenteeism or habitual truancy needs.
Weekly attendance reports and follow-through with students and parents regarding absenteeism patterns will help to increase attendance.
Recognizing students for improved attendance.
Monthly meetings with school site attendance personnel to calibrate the tiered system for improving attendance.