Additional Family Engagement Resources

Looking for some easy and effective ways to get started with building Family Engagement?    Read this article from Pearson that begins with the question:

"Can K-12 educators build bridges with families to increase support for students? Absolutely. They can and they should. 

Decades of research shows that  parent/guardian engagement in  children’s education is closely connected  with improved academic performance, behavior and well-being.1 That’s why some federal and state funding  programs actually require schools to have family engagement plans. But it has become more important  than ever for schools to work together with families."

Want a different way to engage your families, to go beyond the same old cookie-cutter efforts that haven't produced much success?
View this extraordinary webinar on the Multi-Tiered Strategic Approach to Family Engagement. Director Dr. Barbara Boone and Family Engagement Researcher, Hadley Bachman, share research and strategies that launch student success through family engagement. Learn how to apply the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) model to develop expanded home-school program partnerships to support learning and healthy development.
Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center © 2023