Maura McCarthy

Maura McCarthy was nominated as an Associate Justice of the District Court

(vice The Honorable John J. Curran Jr. April 21, 2011)

Judicial Nomination Commission Application


Governor's Council Questionnaire



The is scheduled for june 6th at 1:00 pm


Charles Oliver Cipollini - District 1

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3

Terrence Kennedy - District 6

Jen Caissie - District 7

Jen Caissie - District 7 presided

A truth telling oath was administered to the nominee and witnesses, Councilor Cipollini objected to this procedure.

Attorney McCarthy graduated from Holy Cross.

She is on call 24-7.

Attorney McCarthy said she looked forward to working at the district court because of the diversity of the cases

She has proscecuted 100’s of cases, the vast majority of cases involve children.

She has supervised interviews of children

She has interviewed over 400 children. With a forensic interviewer.

None of her cases have been reviewed for misconduct or inappropriate interviewing techniques, she stated she was very proud of her offices record

As has been noted she has given money to Lt. Governor Murray. Lt Governor Murray filed a 23B disclosure form.

When the form was provided to the Governor's Council during the hearing it was noted that the form stated that Lt. Governor Murray might vote on the nomination, which contradicted what Governor Patrick stated the week before.

She also donated to Kerry Healy and Governor Romeny.

She stated that she donated to Kerry Healy because of the candidates dedication to fighting child abuse.

She stated that she has not donated while she has been part of the District Attorney's office because the District Attorney does not allow it.

She has worked for the DA's office for 17 years.

Attorney McCarthy had originally applied for a position on the Juvenile Court, but asked to be considered for the District Court when a position became available.

She initially applied on September 22, 2010.

She noted that most of her the work she has done has been in the District Court.

When asked if she would overturn a verdict by a jury, she stated she could only do that in the case of an error of law.

She acknowledged that as a judge she would not have the power to overturn a not guilty verdict.

During the hearing Marylin O'Connell of the Judicial Nominated Commission was asked how many people had applied for this position.

Attorney O'Connell, did not recall.

Comments were made regarding the JNC, that it should include non-lawyers

Attorney McCarthy was asked why an ex-prosecutor should be expected to be impartial when on the bench, it was noted that all nominees claim they will be fair.

She said she would rely on her professional history, as a reason to expect her to be trusted.

She believes that she has been a fair prosecutor.

She was tangentially associated in the Fells Acres case as a claims adjuster

She was also asked about the role a judge plays in the post conviction process if a defendant is an illegal alien.

Attorney McCarthy stated that such issues are addressed by the probation department.

A vote was taken at the June 13, 2012 meeting

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