Jennifer L. Ginsburg

Jennifer L. Ginsburg was nominated as an Associate Justice of the District Court

(vice The Honorable David Ricciardone January 11, 2011)

Judicial Nomination Commission Application


Governor's Council Questionnaire



The hearing is scheduled for June 6th at 10:30 am.

Other Hearings:

The Honorable Thomas H. Estes


Charles Oliver Cipollini - District 1

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3

Christopher Ianella - District 4

Terrence Kennedy - District 6

Jen Caissie - District 7

A truth telling oath was administered to the nominee and witnesses, Councilor Cipollini objected to this procedure.

Attorney Ginsburg is a supervisor in a public defenders office.

Although she does appear in court, it is on a supervisory basis.

Attorney Ginsburg has no prosecutorial experience, although she did intern in a District Attorney's Office

It was acknowledged that the legal community was supported this nominee.

Attorney Ginsburg applied for an opening on the district court in November of 2010. She was interviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission in February of 2011, and met with the Governor's Chief Legal Counsel in June of 2011.

She was described as even-tempered.

During her presentation she stated that she was familiar with the rules of evidence.

When questions arose regarding her lack of prosecurorial experience, she stated that she is in favor of public safety

In response to questions regarding her experience and age, she responded that she believe she was experienced and that her youth would provide an energetic presence that may not exist with other judges.

When asked about the possibility of overruling a jury, Attorney Ginsburg acknowledge a judges responsibility to follow the law, in all proceedings.

When asked if she ever thought that her clients were guilty, she acknowledged that she did, pointing out that as a public defender one does not get to choose their cases.

Attorney Ginsburg was questioned about judges who try to try the cases rather than allow the attorneys to. An example was given, where an inexperienced prosecuting attorney might make a procedural error giving rise to a dismissal, only to find that the presiding judge took over the case.

Attorney Ginsburg's response was that she would let the attorneys argue the cases.

She was also asked about her experience with allowing lawyers to request continuances, particularly if it is to accommodate their schedules.

She acknowledged the need to sensitive to the needs of all the people that appear before the court.

The hearing adjourned at 11:48.

A vote was taken at the June 13, 2012 meeting

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