Teacher Tips

Chromebook Success Tips

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” John Dewey

Remember the goal is always to improve student learning! With this in mind, the best classrooms have teachers who believe in and expect their students to learn. Verbalize and express your vision for how learning will look. You can set expectations, or students will create their own. Expect the best. How your students accept and use the Chromebooks will be determined within the first few days. Be extra vigilant, model procedures, and reinforce your policies immediately. The students are watching and learning. The following are suggestions in managing the classroom with Chromebooks:

  • Establish an "acceptable use practice" in the classroom. Spending the first few days discussing and setting parameters for usage is key.
  • Be consistent!
  • Help students stay on-task through proximity, move around the classroom and use distance to influence behavior. This may require setting up the classroom in a different way than in the past.
  • Know the basics so you can help students. Don’t assume that students know the basics. Learn something new each day. We all can learn from each other and share with others.
  • Set up a portal of apps or websites that students can use if students complete work early. Share resources and class assignments through an online classroom. I suggest Google Classroom.
  • Allow creativity in student works, and expect professionalism by proper use of device; adhering to being a good digital citizen and using good grammar and writing skills in all work.
  • Management Tips for the Technology Rich Classroom

Suggestions for Efficient Use in the Classroom

  • Identify student leaders with stronger tech skills. These students will be helpful to you.
  • Establish classroom procedures to deal with Chromebook technical issues when they occur. Troubleshooting suggestions: shut it down, reboot, ask a student leader before the teacher.
  • Introduce the Chromebook basics, keyboard shortcuts, Google Classroom, and Google Drive in the first few weeks of school. Resources are provided to make easy learning and sharing with students.
  • Set guidelines on when the Chromebook is open when giving directions or lecturing. One suggestion is to have the screen at 45 degrees when giving verbal instructions.