7th-12th Grade

Social Studies

I have a Social Studies activity, for all students, to keep them informed and active learners during this time. I would each student to take the time to each week to look for a current event article. This is what I have currently posted on their Google Classroom Pages.

"Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all staying healthy and practicing social distancing. What a time we are living in, you are currently living through a major HISTORICAL event that will be talked about for years! Future generations will study this event in their own Social Studies classrooms. As you know, I will not be giving out any assignments during this extended break we have, but I would like you to try and keep up to date on factual current events. I would like you to try and keep up to date with reading at least one news article, per week, about what is going on in our nation and around the world. It can be about the actual Covid-19 virus, it can be about the shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, politics and bills being proposed, the world economy rapidly changing due to the unknown of the future, or anything else news related in the coming weeks. Please make sure and use reliable sources, because as we have talked about "Fake News" and it being an issue, in times like this it can run rampant. If you have any questions about current events and you want to know where to find reliable information, please let me know because I am more than willing to help! I will also be posting periodically different articles that we can discuss when we get back to school. I will also be posting other information and activities you can do throughout this extended break in the coming weeks.

Again, I hope you all stay healthy, practice social distancing, and enjoy this time off that will go down in history.

Mrs. Sparr"

If there are any questions please let me know.

Below I have attached a link to a Newsela Text Set about the Covid-19 virus that has 10 articles that would be a great option for non-biased information. Remember you can change the literacy level to your grade so that you can have a better understanding of the information.
