Mrs. Volz's

1st Grade Class - Room 901

Welcome to 1st Grade at Winifred Pifer Elementary School!

You are welcome to contact me at or at (805) 769-1300.

Our Classroom Schedule:

8:10-8:15 Flag Salute, Attendance & Lunch Count, Song

8:15-9:00 English Language Arts Workshop

9:00-9:35 VAPA - Visual and Performing Arts

Monday - Dance Wednesday & Thursday - PE Friday - Music

9:35-9:55 Morning Nutrition Break

9:55-11:30 MATH

Fridays - Math and ELA Centers

11:30-12:10 LUNCH

12:10-12:35 ELA Read Aloud, Vocabulary Development

12:35-1:35 ELA Spelling/Phonics, Grammar, Reading, Writing

1:35 -1:50 Recess (Dismissal at 1:35 on Wednesdays)

1:50-2:35 English Language Development

2:35 Dismissal

Library and Computer Lab days and times are still to be determined.

*Art projects, science investigations, songs, and social studies activities are incorporated into the daily schedule often!

**This schedule is subject to change. :)