CONFERence attendee rates:

  • Workshop Presenters: $10
  • PASC Member Delegates and Advisors: $20
  • Non-member Delegates and Advisors: $25

Check out the WORKSHOP page for more detailed descriptions.

(or use the one below)

There is a possibility that public media or representatives from PASC and/or the Montour School District may be present at the Region B Conference to take photographs or video or interview students about their experience at the conference. These photographs, video tapes, or quotes may be used in newspapers or in school district or student or student council publications or productions referring to the conference. It is assumed by your attendance at the conference that your parents (if you are under the age of 18) consents to your image or speech used by media representatives. If your parents refuse to grant that permission, please inform your advisor so that they can make Montour school officials aware of this day of the conference.