Academic Excellence

The Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony celebrates the outstanding academic accomplishments of students according to the following criteria:

1. The weighted grade-point system will be used.

2. Students must be enrolled in a Pasadena school both semesters and carry a full load of subjects.

3. All semester course grades earned by a student during the regular term shall be used in computing the grade-point average for that year. Grades earned during the regular school term in Extended Day, Virtual School, and Dual Credit courses will be included in the computation; grades in supplementary coursework (such as correspondence, summer school or Community School) shall not be included.

4. A student must maintain an overall 4.0 grade-point average for the year’s work.

5. The semester average in each course must be at least 90 (for regular classes) or 80 (for state-approved honors and premium classes).

6. The nature of the award shall be determined by the homeroom placement of the student: freshmen, sophomores, and juniors shall receive medals, and seniors shall receive a plaque. Upon earning a second high school Academic Excellence Award, a student shall receive a letter and may receive a jacket. Seniors will not be eligible for this bonus award. *

*Information derived from the PISD 2020 – 2021 – Student Handbook and Code of Conduct