Technology Help

Student Device Tech Support

If you need tech support on your device, please bring the device to Pasadena High School. 


Student Password Issues

Students need to contact their classroom teacher for password assistance. If the password must be reset, the student's device will need to connect to our district network before they will be able to log in. The campus does not need to be open in order for the device to see the Pasadena ISD network.

Optional Tablet Insurance 

OPTIONAL Student Device Coverage

For the 2023-2024 school year, OPTIONAL Student Device Coverage is provided by Securranty for $25.

Coverage provides protection for:

If coverage is desired, it must be purchased per student and includes unlimited claims per year, with no deductible. Coverage also transfers when a student exchanges a device.

The Technical Services department will process claims for covered devices.

Here is an example of how the process would work: 

Please note that students who took a device home for the summer (and will keep that device for 2023-2024) may still purchase coverage for their device, as long as the device is currently undamaged.

An informational flyer can be found here: (English) (Spanish)

How to check for Windows 10 Updates

Is your device beginning to act strangely? Some things work, others don't. You may need to install some updates. Here is how to check.

Is your charger not working?

Note regarding device chargers: 

Please note that we have a limited number of device chargers that will be available on a first come first served basis. Additional chargers are on order, but we do not have a guaranteed delivery date.

Device chargers can be picked up at the Pasadena ISD Technology Warehouse or at Dobie High School starting at 8:00 am on Tuesday 3/24. Details regarding the address and hours can be found on the next page. 

Please note that students were issued a charger when they first received their device, and a fee will be assessed to the student’s account for the replacement charger.

The fee for chargers will be $15 for Tablets, $50 for Chromebooks and $45 for other devices. 

However, payment for the fee will not be collected when the student picks up the charger. 

Fees to replace broken chargers will not be assessed.


Aviso sobre el cargador de su dispositivo              

              Tenga en cuenta que tenemos un número limitado de cargadores de dispositvos que estarán disponibles básicamente para el primero que lo solicite.  Se han ordenado cargadores adicionales, pero no tenemos fecha garantizada de entrega. 

Podrán pasar a recoger los cargadores para el dispositivo en el Almacén de Tecnología en Pasadena ISD o en la Preparatoria Dobie empezando a las 8:00am el martes, 24 de Marzo. Detalles concernientes a dirección y horas los encontrará en la próxima página. 

Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes recibieron un cargador cuando recibieron su dispositivo por primera vez, y se aplicará una tarifa a la cuenta del estudiante por le cargador de reemplazo. 

La tarifa por el cargador será de $15 por tableta, $50 para Chromebooks y $45 para otros dispositivos.


Sin embargo el pago de la tarifa no se cobrará cuando el estudiante recoja el cargador.

DESMOS is enabled and I can't use my device...

We have had several instances across the district of students who have been issued devices for Distance Learning and have not been able to utilize their device as the DESMOS Safe Exam Browser is open and prevents students from accessing any other functionality. If you experience this issue please use the exit password below to exit the DESMOS program and begin to use your device for distance learning.

The DESMOS password is “20#Pisd20

How to update Google Chrome