Welcome to Gyanoday Bhavan
We have developed a web portal for the access the Online Resources. Gyanoday Bhavan comprises 150000+ books, 450+ Journals and Magazines, More than 10000+ CDs/DVDs/Floppies on various subjects such as Engineering, Management, Ayurveda, Pharmacy, Homoeopathy, Physiotherapy Science, Commerce, Arts, Social Work, Medical, Paramedical, Law, Vocational Education, Computer Science, etc. The library is an ILL member of DELNET, New Delhi. Inter Library loan facility is available in the campus library for the better service of students and staff.
We shall be developing at our end a web portal for the vision of "Never stop Learning". In this portal, we have put various online resources such as e-databases, e-books, e-journals, e-newspaper, etc. on various subjects for the easy access on this platform.

Shodhganga : a reservoir of Parul University Thesis
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.
Parul University Libraries in India are at the forefront of this transformation and have introduced a self Issue - Return facility for their users. This is the first of its kind in India and demonstrate the University's commitment to providing its students and faculty with the best possible learning experience
Enrollment is open now for the Jul-Dec 2023 Semester
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
NPTEL is a project of MHRD initiated by 7 IITs along with the IISc, Bangalore in 2003, to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs

The Central Library of Parul University has done a magnanimous job of qualitying on took online courses which are available on various platforms across the globe. I think this is a good opportunity for all the students to go through what are the offering on online courses on different platforms and this is one click solutions for all of you to make your self aware what you can do in this time of lockdown when it is very challenging for each and everyone of you enhanced the skills and knowledge and believe that this is a time to work hard, this is the time to prove this strength and potential so if you really want to prove your strength and potential into come out with flying color out of this situation. I urge all of you that you all should work hard and this is one way to add on more skills, more knowledge to your career apart from what you have studying at Parul University.
Dr. Devanshu Patel, President, Parul University