Parmiter's Virtual Orchestra And Choir


During the summer term while most of us have been away from school, we couldn't make music together physically, but we could virtually. Over 11 weeks we made 11 recordings!

This is how it worked: we put parts on this website, you download the part that suits you best, make a video/audio recording of yourself performing the part and share it with us. Feel free to record more than one part if you like. If you don't see a part that suits you, contact and we'll try to make one for you. Once we've received your recordings we put all of them together and share the result as an audio track with you.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our projects. Click here to listen to all our projects to date.

Do please email with any questions:


1) Students must ask a parent/carer for permission to participate before the FIRST project you join in with. You will not be included in the final recording unless we receive this permission. (You do not need separate permission for each project.)

Please ask a parent/carer to send an email with the following wording to

I consent to [insert name of child/children]
  • making video recordings of musical parts for Parmiter's Virtual Orchestra
  • sharing these videos via their school Google Drive with Parmiter's School
  • being credited (by first name only) on any final recording [optional - delete if preferred]

I also consent to
  • Parmiter's School using the audio from these recordings as part of this project
  • Parmiter's School using the images from these recordings as part of this project [optional - delete if preferred]

I understand that I should not share any resulting recordings or materials on social media.[Parent's name]

2) Look at all the parts available HERE , choose one and learn it.

3) Record yourself playing/singing your part along with the guidetrack HERE. Use a phone, a video camera or a computer to take a video or audio recording. Top tip: listen to the guidetrack on one device and record yourself on another.

4) Share your recording by the deadline stated for each project - click HERE for instructions.


  • We take your online safety and privacy extremely seriously. We will keep videos you share with us securely and only use them for the purposes of this project. We will only use the audio from your videos to make the final recording. We may use still images from the videos as a cover for the final recording if your parents/carers give us their consent.

  • You will need to ensure your video is appropriate and usable by

    • Being dressed appropriately (e.g. no pyjamas)

    • Being in a shared space - not a bedroom

    • Filming in landscape not portrait