

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the middle school years. Intramural sports, clubs, and fine arts productions enhance students’ academics and skills and provide time to explore common interests with new friends. Most importantly, participation in these activities provides a sense of accomplishment and personal pride, encourages organization of time, and promotes school spirit.

All on-campus activities run from 3:20 - 4:30, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The tentative dates for each activity are listed in the description of the activity. Activity buses will be available to take home students if necessary. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD KNOWS WHAT BUS TO RIDE HOME!!! All Central Middle students are invited to participate in any or all of the activities offered throughout the school year!


1. Appropriate conduct and a cooperative attitude are expected at ALL times. All regular Central Middle rules are in effect before, during and after activities.

2. Students are expected to follow the fundamental rules and regulations for each activity.

3. Students are expected to be on time at the proper location and with appropriate equipment and attire when participating in an activity. Failure to be with an activity sponsor on time could result in a two week suspension of activity privileges.

4. Students are responsible for their own equipment and should store it properly.

5. All injuries should be reported to the activity sponsor immediately.

6. After school detentions take precedence over any activity involvement. In-school suspension will forfeit your privilege to participate in all after school activities that day.

***Activity sponsors or coordinators reserve the right to remove or suspend individuals due to excessive misconduct.***

If you have any questions about an activity, please contact the activity sponsor via email. Have fun and get involved!!!!

Tyler Burrus

Activities Director