Week 3 

Maths homework

Maths homework 

Practise adding coins together in each jar. 

Challenge: Can you add all of the jars together?

Topic homework

Science homework 

Can you name the different materials that objects in your home are made from?

Challenge: Explain what properties the material has. 

For example, metal and plastic are hard, metal is sharp. 

English homeworkpdf

English Homework

Next week, we will be planning and writing our own stories based on 'Pinocchio'.

One thing that we will be doing is thinking of our own character.

At home, create your own character - What do they look like? What is their personality like? What happens to them in the story? Do they change?


At the beginning of the story Pinocchio is cheeky and naughty, but by the end he stops lying and becomes good.