Week 1 


Maths homework

This week we have started to add coins together. Add the coins in each of the jars to find out how much there is in each.

If you have time - go into a shop and try to use real money to buy something under £1.

outline of body.pdf


We have started to read and learn about the story of 'Pinocchio'. This week, we looked at the character of Pinocchio, and used adjectives to describe what he looked like and what his personality was like.

Using adjectives and what you have read in the story so far, describe the character of Gepetto, Pinocchio's dad; what he looks like (outside) and what his personality (inside).


We are looking at puppets this term which links in with 'Pinocchio'.

Please make some puppets in any form - stick, hand puppet, finger puppet etc. of the characters we have met so far in the story.