Personal Formation

The programs and activities of the Personal Formation will continue in the limiting and restrictive set-up all educational institutions in the country find themselves in. The program will run not in spite of these restrictions but precisely because of the resulting conditions and necessities the current pandemic has brought about for everyone.


At the beginning of the school year, parents will be asked to sign a consent form allowing their sons to have one-on-one online chats with their mentors with indicated provisions for the protection of the privacy of both the mentee and the mentor. The platform for mentoring chats with students will be Google Meet. The chat should only be conducted within weekday office hours and Saturday mornings. However, mentees or their parents can get in touch with their mentors or the Guidance Office in case of emergencies. Unlike in the traditional set-up where students can be pulled out of their classrooms during a class for a chat, mentors cannot schedule chats that will conflict with the online synchronous classes of their mentees.


Similar to the student set-up, the mentors will conduct their chats for Term 1 of the school year online. Mentors and parents can make use of any communication medium to coordinate among themselves the schedule of their chat anytime during mentors' office hours. Likewise, enough time should be given to either the mentor or the mentee's parents to adjust for any rescheduling of chats. Google Meet will be the recommended platform for chats with parents though parents may request to use their preferred platform.

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All of the Parents' Forums this school year will be held online via ZOOM. Normally each level meets three times a year (two for SHS). Depending on how the rules of the community quarantine will evolve in the coming months. The initial plan is to have several levels grouped together based on the current needs of the parents and developmental stage of their sons for a joint forum. Special topics on needed parenting skills at such times will also be placed in the school's general calendar for the information of all parents.