Online Academics

In the online learning, students will take Term 1 (Grades 1 to 10) and Semester 1 (Senior High School) completely online using Google Classroom. They will use only their Southridge-issued Gmail accounts. The Southridge's virtual classrooms will use both face-to-face online classes and self-directed learning modules.

Modules are extension of classes and not a workload or homework. It is documented in a Google Doc (one doc per Module) uploaded in Google Classroom and not just a handout (but handouts may still be given). Module are composed of a variety of activities administered asynchronously and very detailed like a script and not just outlines or bullet points.


Following the Department of Education's Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) we have streamlined our subject offerings to the most important ones in order to help our students transition better into our new modes of learning.

The competencies to be covered are documented in the Term/Semestral Academic Coverage (TAC/SAC) which will be uploaded in the respective subjects Google Classroom.



Grade School students will meet their teachers and classmates for 30-minute classes daily in the mornings. This daily schedule helps students establish rapport with their teachers and classmates, and assist in developing routine among the young learners. They will work on their learning modules and consult with their teachers in the afternoons. Their parents/guardians may help them review their outputs, but they have to submit their work by 9 pm.


Junior High School students will have seven 40 minute classes twice a week, During the two other days they will work on their learning modules at own their pace. They can, however consult with their teachers and they have to submit their outputs by 5 pm. This helps students to manage their screen time and prevents prolonged daily exposure to their devices. With this setup, siblings can work out a schedule to share and maximize the use of devices.


Senior High School students are expected to be self-regulated and independent learners. They will have only five to six 40 minute Classes twice a week and will spend more time working on Modules. They can consult with their teachers during Module hours and they have to submit their outputs by 5 pm.

September 2020 Calendar of activities