Paramus Elementary School Counselors
Welcome to our website! As the elementary counselors of Paramus, we have the joy of working with your children each day to support their academic, social and emotional growth. We also collaborate with staff and parents to meet the needs of our students. Please explore our pages at the top, and feel free to contact us for any reason at the email addresses below.
Welcome to our website! As the elementary counselors of Paramus, we have the joy of working with your children each day to support their academic, social and emotional growth. We also collaborate with staff and parents to meet the needs of our students. Please explore our pages at the top, and feel free to contact us for any reason at the email addresses below.
Laurie Corizzo
Laurie Corizzo
Ridge Ranch Elementary School
Ridge Ranch Elementary School
Andrea Stone
Andrea Stone
Parkway Elementary School
Parkway Elementary School
Poonam Aier
Poonam Aier
Memorial Elementary School
Memorial Elementary School
Julia Stutzer
Midland and Stony Lane Elementary Schools