Social-Emotional Learning


At this time families, students and our school community are all facing challenging times. We may have lots of questions and not completely understand what is happening. Big feelings such as Anger, Sadness, Worry and Stress can be overwhelming, especially for our kids who are missing school, friends or even family they are unable to visit. When we have these big feelings, our bodies are flooded with physical sensations and we attempt to cope the best way we know how.

When feeling overwhelmed or stress we may notice different feelings or behaviors such as:

  • Mood swings

  • Low tolerance for stress or change

  • Difficulties with getting along with the people around us

  • Emotional outbursts such as: yelling, hitting or crying when not normally expected

It's important that we allow ourselves to experience these emotions and acknowledge that these feelings and experiences are “NORMAL”. Talking and sharing about our feelings helps to open up communication and express ourselves in healthy ways.