
MONDAY, Jan 9, 2023 • 2023 MCLI Faculty Convocation

8:30 am - 2:30 pm

FPG Approved: 4.75 hours

Creating Spaces for Belonging by Naming What We Know

As we look broadly at the innovative work in which faculty across our district are engaged, your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, and creating a sense of community (two core values of MCCCD’s Excellence in Teaching and Learning Guiding Principles), is both evident and inspiring. This year’s Faculty Convocation will further support and honor this commitment by inviting you to engage with colleagues to actively explore tangible ways to continue to make our classrooms more accessible and equitable for our students.

This year’s convocation invites you to think through, wrestle with, and wonder about what it takes to make our tacit disciplinary and industry-related knowledge more explicit and transparent for our students. We will work together to name--for ourselves and for our students--what we know across our fields of interest. Our goal will be to ask together: how do we invite our students into the work of our fields of interest in ways that are accessible and equitable?

As we all continue to transition back into our spaces of belonging–our offices, face-to-face and online classrooms, and hallways–spaces all of us had to suddenly leave behind 34 months ago--we imagine this year’s Convocation as a space in which to reestablish a sense of community, fellowship, and belonging.

On Monday, January 9th, 2023, consider traveling out of your usual spaces and gather with faculty from your Field of Interest across campuses that make up our community. You are invited to physically travel to a communal site organized by Field of Interest across our sister colleges. There, you will engage in interactive sensemaking with your colleagues to identify and make explicit some of your shared disciplinary knowledge, values, practices and dispositions. Together, you will consider curricular innovations that invite students into your work in equitable ways.

In-person at the following colleges by discipline:

GateWay Community College

  • Education

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Paradise Valley Community College; KSC1000A/B

  • Culture and Society

Mesa Community College

  • Applied Technology

  • Business, Entrepreneurialism, Management

Phoenix College

  • Health Sciences

  • Computer and Information Technology

South Mountain Community College

  • Behavioral Sciences and Human Services

  • Visual and Performing Arts

For More Information Contact:

Maricopa Center for Learning and Innovation

(480) 731-8300

Don't have a Field of Interest? When registering, you will be asked to identify the college location you will be attending for Faculty Convocation.

We want to thank you for considering this invitation. We hope your time together will be enjoyable, insightful, and transformative.

TUESDAY, Jan 10, 2023 • Learning Day Sessions

9:00 - 9:50 am

Warren Buxton Library


Authentic Assessment: Introducing Puma Portfolios

Felicia Ramirez, Leonard Macias, Pablo Avila (LaGuardia Community College)

The Assessment for Learning Team (ALT) and the PVCC ePortfolio Institute Team are proud to introduce Puma Portfolios, an ePortfolio template in Google sites. This assessment session will feature a presentation by Pablo Avila, Associate Director of ePortfolio and Digital Learning, The Center for Teaching and Learning, LaGuardia Community College. Then the PVCC team will demo the Puma Portfolio template, and provide strategies for integrating ePortfolios in learning experiences.

10:00 - 10:50 am

Warren Buxton Library



Felicia Ramirez, Abby Rusu, Annapurnah Ganesh, Rose Rojas

The AZTransfer Steering Committee is leading an effort to reimagine the structure and requirements of the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC), which was created in the mid-1990s, and has not substantially evolved since their creation nearly 30 years ago. Come learn about the project and newly proposed revisions. The project is currently in the "open comment period." This session is intended as an opportunity for us to discuss the AGEC across disciplines and gather feedback at the college level. The two-part session will include a presentation by Dr. Annapurna Ganesh, General Studies Faculty Representative - District, Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation and Rose Rojas, District Director, Curriculum and Transfer; followed by a open discussion and feedback session moderated by Dr. Felicia Ramirez, Communication Faculty, Co-Chair ALT, PVCC.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Welcome to Spring Celebration!

Hosted by PVCC President, Dr. Tiffany E. Hunter

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Google Meet Online

Meeting Link:

Creative Technology Ideas for Connecting Students to Course Objectives, and to Others Around the World!

Stacy Moreno, Social Work Faculty/Community Resource Specialist | Counseling

Over 6 weeks, 41 participants from around the world engaged in a comparative analysis of social issues. Gain ideas on how to internationalize your curriculum, even in an online course! Explore various online tools and applications that can support interactive and collaborative global classroom projects. Learn about the power of making global connections for students, and the positive impacts of global immersive learning and how social issues can bring students together-assessing the issues and sharing solutions.

Online tools enhance service learning experiences, promote global awareness and connection, and provide interesting methods to share and collaborate.

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Computer Commons Classroom

E 146

Using Social Annotation to Enhance Student Engagement in Psychology Courses

Julie Lazzara, Division Chair, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Increasing engagement in asynchronous online courses is a goal for many college instructors. While discussion boards have been used in the past, social annotation is an alternative that may have multiple benefits for instructors and students. In a recent study, students from an introductory psychology course (two sections) and a developmental psychology course (one section) used Perusall for social annotation with open educational resources. Over the semester, on average, students submitted quality annotations and more than what was required. Students also reported predominantly favorable perceptions of social annotation via a survey using both Likert scale and open-ended items. In this session, participants will see how to set up Perusall in a mock Canvas course as an instructor. They will also try out social annotation in real-time to replicate the student experience.

2:15 - 3:15 pm

Computer Commons Classroom

E 146

Using Design Thinking and the Makerspace in Curriculum to Improve Student Engagement

Dr. Jim Sizemore, Engineering Faculty

We desire students to be creative, continually learn, think critically, and work well in teams. Project based learning is a well-established and good method to accomplish these goals but often students aren't engaged in the project. Also, teams are often formed without explicit instruction about how to be a good team member. This presentation presents the design process to better manage projects and enhance creativity. Also presented are group decision making and problem solving techniques to work well in teams. Finally, using makerspace tools, students are engaged in creating unique works that they can be proud of therefore engaging students. An example is a recent student proposal that crosses disciplines. The student proposed using an IR camera to study temperatures of vaping to understand the quantity of toxic chemicals generated and use this information in an anti vaping campaign. Using the information in this talk students come before and after class, work on their own time on projects, become excited, better engage in learning.

2:15 - 3:00 pm

Warren Buxton Library


Creating a Safe Learning and Working Environment

Scott Meek, PVCC Police Commander and Bootsie Martinez

Learn about how the PVCC Public Safety Office creates a safe environment for our students and employees along with some strategies how to respond in an Active Shooter situation.

WEDNESDAY, Jan 11, 2023

NOTICE! PVCC will conduct a lockdown on Wednesday, January 11th, between 9am and 11am. Alertus beacon alarms will sound and you will receive a Rave text/email alert indicating a "Drill" is in progress. Keep watch for more email announcements.

FRIDAY, Jan 13, 2023 • Adjunct Faculty Learning Day

8:30 am - 12:00 pm


In-person session only

3.00 hr ed dev stipend for

full attendance and

survey completion!

Boulders, Circles, and You!

How you can influence a positive learning environment!!

8:30 - 9:00 - Registration/Breakfast
9:00 - 12:00 - General Session

  • Discussion around the new adjunct faculty salary advancement process,

  • Sharing your perspective and experience to inform the college strategic planning process,

  • How You Can Positively Influence Your Learning Environment

9:00 am - 10:30 am

Student Life Club Room

Near the Cafeteria

Club Advisor Information Session

If you are interested in advising a student organization or currently advise a student group and would like to learn about best practices, please come to this session to learn more about this wonderful opportunity for our students.



Canvas Basics and Advanced

This online course is for new to Canvas users and also is a great resource for those already using Canvas.

Self-enroll at:

Preparing to Teach Online or Hybrid

This self-paced course contains information from Indiana University and the University of California. This course is for anyone developing and/or teaching an online course. It explores the backward design process beginning with learning outcomes, followed by assessments, activities, and content. It also includes topics such as online presence, course structure, usability, visual design, accessibility, multimedia, and course management.

Self-enroll at:


Want to Watch a Quick video to learn a new skill? The PVCC Vimeo has lots of training videos to help you and your students.

Check it out here:

Want to learn more about Camtasia?



Sign up to facilitate a 30-minute LUNCH&LEARN session for the Spring 2023 Semester HERE


For additional training support please visit: