Health and fitness

H&F 2022 Options evening board - Google Slides.webm

Please speak to Miss Bennett (New Head of PE) as opposed to Mr Phillips if you have any further questions!

Take a look at some of the things we get up to in health and fitness!

Year 11 revision prior to their exam!

Trip to Suffolk New college with Year 10!

This course is an ideal choice for those who have a real passion for sport and are interested in fitness and health. It is designed to provide pupils with the skills and knowledge of health and fitness practices and an understanding in the sector.

Overview – 

Health and fitness will be based around theory and practical. Out of six lessons, five will be theory and one will be practical. 

There are two units that will need to be completed.

Unit 1 - external examination paper is based around the introduction to:


Unit 2 - internally and externally assessed coursework based around the introduction to:


The coursework may require the filming of students completing various practical tasks, as the coursework is also externally moderated. 


Assessment – 

Pupils will all complete the same external examination paper in which they will achieve a grade ranging from level 1 pass, merit or distinction; to a level 2 pass, merit, distinction and distinction*.

Unit 1

Type of moderation: external examination

Value of final grade: 40%

Unit 2

Type of moderation: coursework

Value of final grade: 60%

Subject links – 

Health and Fitness has strong links with science, information technology and English.

Careers – 

Qualifications in Health and Fitness will provide opportunities for careers such as fitness trainer; nutritionist; sports coaching; physiotherapy.

For further information, please contact –

Head of faculty - Leanne Bennett      Email -