

Learning to Read

At Piper's Vale Primary Academy, from Nursery, we use the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme to teach children who are learning to read.

In Early Years, children first learn one way to read the 40+ sounds of the English Language and then blend these sounds into words using a specific method called, 'Fred Talk'. Once they know this initial code and can blend words containing as many as four sounds (e.g. c-l-a-p, clap) they are ready to start getting their storybooks! Children experience success from the very beginning. They are only ever given books to read containing words and sounds they are secure with - and they have crucial been through this book in school first. This success breeds further success, and children will always see themselves as readers. Their phonic books are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ‘tricky’ words and, as children re-read the stories, their fluency increases, as does their comprehension. With thought-provoking introductions, prompts for thinking out loud and discussion, children are helped to read with a storyteller’s voice throughout the programme.

Reading to Learn

For children that have 'graduated' from the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme and are now able to read independently (from Y2 onward), we place them onto our follow-on system of reading known as MyBookBlog. Children are assessed at their comprehension level, and are assigned books that they can enjoy and further their knowledge. Ranging from well-known picture books, or lengthier young-adult fiction, at the end of staged points within the books, children are encouraged in school (and at home!) to answer vocabulary quizzes, comprehension quizzes, opinion polls and write blogs about what they have read. Most importantly, their reading growth is journalled, with their MyBookBlog profile, growing with the books they have read: plotting where they have visited on a map, travelled through time, and they even have the opportunity to store 'collectables' and fun facts that have learnt on the way.

Enjoying and Understanding Stories

Every year group also has a Shared Reading lesson every day, introducing a wide range of literature to complement children's learning throughout the year. In the earlier year groups whilst children are still learning to read, the Shared Reading lesson is orally based, where children hear a story (just like storytime) but have opportunities to explore the language, vocabulary and content in a deeper way. These stories are also used as a stimulus for children to practice writing weekly.

Finally, every year group has a scheduled slot at the end of the day for storytime (but also including non-fiction). Occasionally this could be the teacher reading further chapters of their Shared Reading book, a related book to the topics they might be studying in class, or an opportunity to read independently themselves - put simply, a chance to enjoy books!


We use a maths mastery approach, which was developed in Singapore and Shanghai, where the whole class moves through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth and the teacher does not move to the next stage until all children demonstrate that they have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. To do so, we use the Maths No Problem scheme of work at Piper's Vale Primary Academy, which was developed by Andy Psarianos and Dr. Anne Hermanson. The programme focuses on teaching maths first using concrete materials, then moving onto solving problems pictorially and finally solving questions using abstract methods (i.e. formal calculations). This programme allows all children to access the curriculum at their level and provides extensions to further their understanding. In addition, pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 complete weekly arithmetic/reasoning tests to practise their mental maths and consolidate previous learning.


Children that are Learning to Read and are using the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme practice writing through their matched storybooks. At the earliest levels children practice forming their letters and writing simple words they have been reading. By the later storybooks, children practice proofreading, grammar and vocabulary activities alongside a longer extended writing piece, based on the book they have read. Children are never stuck for ideas as they know their stories so well that they are eager to write about them.

Children that have learnt to read, confidently and independently, are taught in their year groups (Y2 onward) using the Read, Write, Inc. Literacy and Language programme. In half-termly units, children are introduced to various fiction and non-fiction texts that they fluently read and confidently understand. They are introduced to how such written pieces are constructed, and methodically build up their own approaches to creating a similar piece of writing. Throughout the build up, the children also practice grammar practice (in context) and also practice the National Curriculum spellings through the Read, Write, Inc. Spellings programme.

Outside of their scheduled RWI/L&L lessons children have the opportunity to write about the books they have been reading in their Shared Reading lesson, and again plenty of opportunities to write in their Science and Topic lessons - always following a helpful structure of an example outcome, and what is needed to build their writing into creating something similar.


At PVPA we teach Science through a curriculum which has been developed collaboratively, by lead Science teachers from across our Trust. Science is taught from Nursery to Year 6; though in the EYFS the children learn about the world around them by investigation through carefully planned activities. From years 1 to 6 the pupils learn science through topics such as ‘States of Matter’, ‘Plants’, ‘Materials’ and ‘Animals including humans’. Each academic year the topics are revisited and investigated in more depth. This way, the pupils gain a deeper understanding of scientific concepts as they are exposed to them frequently throughout their journey through primary school. Children learn science through practical demonstrations and designing and carrying out experiments to test different hypotheses. There is an emphasis on fair testing, writing scientifically and interpreting data. The pupils in Years 1 - 6 are assessed by a quiz of multiple-choice questions of the content which has been covered and by producing a piece of scientific writing; these happen towards the end of each term throughout the year.


Beginning in Reception, children study different historical periods such as the Victorians, The Greeks, The Romans and The Tudors, with in depth studies of events or individuals such as World War One. All units are based upon the National Curriculum. At Pipers Vale Primary Academy, we encourage children to develop a sense of historical chronology and clear knowledge of life and the environment at specific times and places. Our history curriculum is based on four key second order concepts (principles) which pupils will explore each year, starting in year 1, to make sense of past events and analyse them. These are significance (of individuals and events), continuity and change, cause and consequence and inference (using a range of sources to analyse past events or individuals).


The geography curriculum has been structured to develop and extend students' geographical understanding and build upon their prior knowledge of both human and physical themes. We aim to develop awareness of the world around us and the characteristics which make places across the world unique using our local area as a starting point. We work to develop global citizens that have an awareness of world events and the impact that they have on our ever-changing world. It is our intention to ensure that the curriculum inspires students to be curious about the world and its people.

In EYFS, the children are given opportunities to have key geographical experiences in order to ensure they begin to develop an understanding of the world around their locality and start to use appropriate place-based directional language. Geography in KS1 and KS2 is taught as a discrete subject for one hour per week, in two separate six week blocks each year.

We have divided the KS1-2 curriculum into four units, repeated on a two-year cycle so that pupils return to and deepen their knowledge three times in their primary career. This repeated exposure ensures learnt knowledge is retained and studied at a deeper level with each exposure. Each pupil will return to each topic in KS1, Lower KS2, and Upper KS2.


At Piper’s Vale, we teach Religious Education (RE) as part of a three year programme and it includes looking at seven different religions. In the first year we cover Christianity and Islam. In the second year we learn about Judaism and Buddhism/Humanism for the second half term as these are good to compare. In the third year we focus on Hinduism and Sikhism. By looking at different beliefs the children have a good understanding of other cultures and are able to look at the similarities and differences between them. Artefacts are used to support the teaching of each unit. Each unit has a Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) at the end and a key question which is answered by completing an extended write.


At PVPA, we teach Computing using the Switched on Computing programme, developed by Rising Stars. Computing is taught from Nursery up to Year 6, progressing from using programmable toys to learn basic algorithms, to learning how to write code using different languages. Pupils also learn how to use a variety of hardware e.g. Chromebooks, cameras and video cameras, and softwares that develop their knowledge of presenting, picture/video editing and website development. E-safety is also an important part of the curriculum, where we ensure that all children know how to stay safe using the Internet and their computers


Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is taught at Piper’s Vale Primary Academy using a programme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a whole-school programme of learning which enables children to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they will need to successfully manage their lives both now and in the future. This whole-school approach develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

Jigsaw follows the guidance of the National Curriculum as it promotes spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of children and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life whilst promoting British values.

As from September 2020, primary schools in England also need to teach Relationships and Health Education (RSHE)as a compulsory subject and the Department for Education strongly recommends this should also include age-appropriate Sex Education which we at Piper’s Vale will teach using the Jigsaw programme.


Music is taught by subject specialists throughout the full age range at Piper's Vale Primary Academy. From an early age, pupils learn the importance of following a steady pulse whilst learning to follow performance instructions (get louder; faster; quieter etc.) through playing instruments and singing. As they progress throughout key stage one and into key stage two, pupils will explore a wide variety of different musical genres and enhance their skills in performing, composing, and appraising music..

Art/Design and Technology

At Piper's Vale Primary Academy, Art and Design Technology is taught from Nursery to Year 6. In Nursery and Reception, Art and DT is taught through Expressive Arts. The children explore using a variety of materials, including paint, collage and building structures. Learning to join materials and experimenting with different tools and techniques is also part of the Early Years Curriculum. Year 1 to Year 6 follow a Biennial Schedule. During these 2 years, pupils cover a wide variety of Art and DT knowledge and skills through topics such as, painting, collage, 3D clay, printing, food technology, electrical structures, mechanical systems, portraits, to include digital portraits and textiles. Each topic also includes a Shared Reading unit.


Modern Foreign Languages

Bonjour! We are happy to announce that beginning this year, Key Stage 2 pupils at PVPA will be learning French. Every week pupils will develop their French reading, writing and speaking skills, as well as learning about French language and culture around the world. The brand new French curriculum was developed alongside the Early Start Languages French program and will cover a variety of topics over 4 years, building and growing their skills and understanding every year. By the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, we are expecting all pupils to be able to introduce themselves and carry a basic conversation about their birthday, family, pets, holidays, as well as have an understanding of life and celebrations in France.