Current students


Attending school regularly is key to your child getting the most out of school and, in New Zealand, parents are legally required to make sure that their child goes to school every day. If you have any questions on attendance please discuss these with your child's classroom teacher.

If your child is going to be absent please call the school office by 9am and leave a message.

Carpark Safety

You may have noticed the new yellow markings on the footpaths around our school. These are to guide students and visitors as to where they should walk and cross when entering and leaving our school. These were put in over the holidays and the classroom teachers have been showing the children, discussing their purpose and practicing to ensure the safety of all students. It would be appreciated if you could please remember to use these guides and talk about them with your children.

School Hours

School starts promptly at 8.50am. The classrooms are open for students from 8.30am onwards. First Break is 10.50am - 11.30am and Second Break is 1.10pm - 1.50pm. The end of the day is 3pm each day unless advised by newsletter. All children are to be picked up by 3.15pm at the latest otherwise they may be taken to SKIDS, which will incur a fee.


  • We expect all children to be in the school grounds by 8.45am to give them time to prepare for the day and to avoid disrupting classes after the bell.
  • Children should not be arriving at school before 8am.
  • Collecting children early is discouraged unless there is a hospital appointment or an emergency (not to suit transport arrangements or a general doctors appointment). Children are required to be at school until 3pm. Please assist us in ensuring that children remain at school as required by not asking for their withdrawal. Anyone signing a child out must be 18 years or older and listed on their contact details.

We are trying to develop our children as lifelong learners and if they are continually late, or picked up early, this will become a habit that will not be advantageous to their future learning.

Thank you for your support.

Leave During Term Time

Is your child going overseas during term time? Are you having a holiday or a break during term time? If so, you are required to inform the school prior to the start of the leave. Please call into the school office and fill in the “Leave During Term Time” form.

Please remember that the Ministry of Education states, “a holiday is not a good enough reason to take your child out of school, so holidays should be planned outside of term time. Events like a birthday or a special day’s shopping aren’t considered valid reasons for being away from school either”.

As per Ministry guidelines, if your student(s) is/are absent for more than 20 consecutive days they will be removed from our roll. If you do not live within our school zone you may re-apply under our out-of-zone enrolment scheme but please be aware that this does not guarantee that your student(s) will be re-enrolled.