
Throop Elementary School

Why I Teach - Paoli 03.mp4

Throop Elementary is proud to introduce our 2nd Grade Teacher

Karen Johnson

A Culture of Innovation

At Throop Elementary School in the Paoli School District, a revolution in education is taking place. Inside the school's vibrant halls, students and teachers are embracing a culture of innovation and discovery, empowered by cutting-edge technology and guided by an unwavering dedication to STEM learning. Two state-of-the-art maker spaces serve as the beating heart of this transformation, while a committed team of educators and experts work tirelessly to create an environment that nurtures the future leaders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Throop Elementary's commitment to fostering a culture of STEM learning is exemplified by its exceptional team of educators. A dedicated STEM Instructional Coach, alongside a high ability teacher at each grade level, ensures that all students have the opportunity to explore STEM subjects in a supportive and challenging environment. This dynamic team works together to develop tailored lessons and projects that spark students' curiosity and inspire them to think critically and creatively.

The culture of STEM learning at Throop Elementary School has had a profound impact on its students, teachers, and the broader community. Students are thriving in this innovative environment, gaining not only a deep understanding of STEM subjects but also valuable skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and resilience. Teachers, empowered by their professional development with STEM Education Works, are able to deliver more engaging and effective lessons, while the community at large benefits from a new generation of problem solvers and innovators.

At Throop Elementary School, the culture of STEM learning is more than just a buzzword – it is a way of life. Through the unwavering dedication of its educators, the support of organizations like STEM Education Works, and the passion of its students, Throop Elementary is forging a brighter future for all who walk through its doors.

1.1 Decision-Making

At Throop Elementary, the STEM leadership team deeply values the collective wisdom of all staff members, establishing a collaborative ethos where 100% feedback is elicited from every individual in the building concerning the decision-making and planning of their STEM programming. This all-encompassing feedback mechanism ensures a rich tapestry of perspectives and insights, which is instrumental in crafting a well-rounded, effective, and dynamic STEM curriculum. By harnessing the experiences and expertise of the entire staff, Throop Elementary aims to continually refine and elevate its STEM programming, ensuring it remains relevant, engaging, and immensely beneficial for the holistic development of every student.

1.1 Dec Making Throop Elem

1.2 Common Work Time

At Throop Elementary, a structured common work time is carved out on a weekly basis, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where teachers within the STEM program come together as an interdisciplinary team to blueprint integrated STEM learning opportunities. These brainstorming sessions are enriched with the inclusion of a licensed High-Ability Teacher on each team, bringing a nuanced perspective and expertise that significantly contributes to the planning process. Through this collaborative endeavor, not only is the STEM curriculum meticulously crafted to be interdisciplinary and enriching, but it also ensures that a diverse range of learning experiences are thoughtfully planned and executed, catering to the varying abilities and interests of the student body.

1.3 Common Work Time Throop Elem

1.3 Sustainability Plan

Throop Elementary has astutely devised a five-year STEM certification sustainability plan, acting as a blueprint to navigate the financial and instructional terrains essential for the continuity and enhancement of its STEM program. This forward-thinking plan meticulously identifies funding sources for pivotal areas including technology acquisition and upgrades, as well as STEM curriculum and training necessitated by staff turnover. Through this proactive approach, Throop is not only ensuring the sustenance and growth of its STEM initiative but is also fostering a robust infrastructure capable of adapting to evolving educational landscapes and staffing dynamics, thereby securing a thriving STEM education for its students in the years to come.

1.4 Sustainability Plan Throop Elem

1.4 Measurement of Student Attitudes/Interests

At Throop Elementary, gauging students' attitudes towards STEM and their interest in STEM classes or career pathways is a pivotal part of the educational journey, carried out diligently twice a year through intentional surveys. The feedback gleaned from these surveys is meticulously analyzed, serving as a reflective lens through which the efficacy and appeal of the school's STEM program are evaluated. Based on this insightful analysis, necessary revisions are made to the STEM program, ensuring it remains engaging, relevant, and aligned with the evolving interests and aspirations of the student body, thereby nurturing a continually resonating and impactful STEM learning environment.

1.5 Measurement of Students' Attidtudes/Interests Throop Elem

1.5 STEM Program Engagement

Throop Elementary actively engages a diverse array of stakeholders including parents, educational leaders, and community partners in a multitude of activities aimed at reflecting upon, nurturing, and promoting the school's vibrant STEM program. Through the collaborative involvement of STEM professionals supporting classroom teachers, enlightening STEM career, community, and business presentations, engaging STEM-focused social media posts, and interactive STEM-focused family nights, Throop creates a communal tapestry of support and enthusiasm that significantly enriches the STEM learning experience for students, while fostering a culture of shared investment in the school's STEM vision.

1.6 STEM Program Engagement Throop Elem

1.6 STEM Instructional Feedback and Support

At Throop Elementary, the journey towards exemplary STEM instruction is a collaborative endeavor, underpinned by a robust feedback mechanism meticulously crafted through the modification of a local evaluation tool or a locally-developed STEM instructional walkthrough tool, aimed at identifying targeted STEM instructional practices. Evaluators, well-versed in the nuances of STEM pedagogy through rigorous training, employ this local evaluation instrument to observe and assess the implementation of targeted STEM instructional practices, seamlessly integrating their insightful feedback in both formative and summative evaluations. This constructive feedback loop is pivotal in nurturing a culture of continual growth and excellence, as evidenced by the fact that over 75% of teachers receive three or more supports such as peer observation, lesson study, critical feedback, coaching, modeling, action research, or mentoring, all tailored based on the evaluative feedback, thereby fostering a vibrant, ever-evolving STEM instructional ecosystem.

1.7 STEM Instructional Feedback Throop Elem

1.7 Access and Opportunity to STEM Courses and Programs

At Throop Elementary, a fervent commitment to fostering a STEM-rich learning environment is manifested as 100% of students partake in integrated STEM instruction and programming, transcending the confines of related arts classes. During the dedicated STEM instructional periods, the ethos of inclusivity prevails, ensuring no student is pulled out for remediation, as the school staunchly believes that every child deserves the invaluable opportunity to explore, engage with, and excel in STEM learning arenas.

1.9 Access & Opportunity to STEM Courses & Pro Throop Elem