Some initiatives that the collective are part of to address the Digital Accessibility theme


Thousands of Pasifika students affected by the Auckland Level-4 Lockdown face a significant barrier to learning from lack of access to digital devices and wi-fi.

To address this problem Eteroa Lafaele, a recipient of the Prime Minister's Pacific Youth Science (STEM) Award, has started DigiTautua, a charitable initiative which aims to raise money to provide laptops to Pasifika students in need.

Recycle A Device

Recycle A Device, or RAD, is an Aotearoa initiative which matches those who need a laptop with a donated and refurbished device. There are many good quality devices that are no longer needed in our communities, RAD tracks down these laptops and puts them to good use.

We teach high school students in-demand tech engineering skills to refurbish the laptops, and then work with community groups to get them into the hands of ākonga (students) and rangatahi (young people) who need them.

Ciena by Skinny Jump

The Spark Foundation has partnered with Ciena to offer a fund to selected Decile 1 high schools, to offer free home broadband connections to students.

This fund is for students who don't have a broadband connection at home, to help them study and learn online.

Students will get a free modem and 150GB Wireless Broadband data each month for the school year.