Undergraduate Programs

Welcome from Dr. Snow

Dear Incoming Student,

Congratulations on your admission to Palo Alto University's undergraduate program! I am excited to support you as your academic advisor and instructor. I have more than 40 years of clinical, research, and teaching experience to help inform our conversations. I will be the one to help you start your program and shake your hand on the day you graduate. Today we start that journey together. Below is my contact information. I am very accessible, so feel free to email, text, or call me anytime. I am best at answering advising and programmatic questions. 

In addition to my support, you have an amazing team of dedicated faculty and staff to help as well. If you have questions related to the admissions process, feel free to continue working with Lenard Wilson, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission, to get those questions answered. 

This website will serve as a central source of information until you reach orientation in September. Please check back here regularly for updates.  We will also communicate with you via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


William H. Snow, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Undergraduate Studies


Cell: 831-246-2440

Assistant Department Manager

Nicole Brown
Pronouns: she, her, hers

Welcome to the Palo Alto University’s Undergraduate program! My name is Nicole Brown (she/her) and I am the Assistant Department Manager for the Psychology Department and serve as the Program Manager for both the Undergraduate and Masters in Science program here at PAU. You are in great hands with the team you have and we are excited for you to start your journey with PAU! I am a PAU alum myself, graduating from the Masters's program with my MA in Counseling and from the Undergraduate program with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Social Action. 

You can expect to receive plenty of emails from me throughout your time in the program, so keep an eye out for my emails in your inbox! 

Congratulations, and welcome to PAU!

Nicole Brown, MA
Assistant Department Manager