Payment Information

Everglades Elementary Afterschool is officially Cashless, meaning we no longer accept any Cash payments.

Online payments are strongly recommended, as this is the fastest and safest way for you to make your Monthly Afterschool Tuition payment. We also accept payments in the form of Check or Money Order.

Payment information

Below are the online payment options for Afterschool including Registration Fees and Late Payment Fees

Everglades Elementary Afterschool is officially cashless

We no longer accept in person payments.

Please make all afterschool payments through ELEYO

Fee payment schedule 2022-2023

K-5 Fee Schedule.pdf

Fees are due on the dates listed above. Any payment not made on or before that due date will result in a late payment fee of $5.00. You can be subjected to multiple late payment fees up to $10.00 per month.

Employee discount


K-5 Employee Fee Schedule.pdf

Fees are due on the dates listed above. Any payment not made on or before that due date will result in a late payment fee of $5.00. You can be subjected to multiple late payment fees up to $10.00 per month.

Employee discount

e-form 2476

Employee Discount forms MUST be completed each year for each student enrolled in Afterschool. If your form is received after August 31st you will not begin to receive your discount until the following month. *Form can be found under Eforms on District Portal*

Employee extended day pbsd form 2469

Employee Extended day form must be completed and signed by your principal and turned into Ms. Nisa ASAP. If your form is turned in after August 31st you will not begin to receive extension until the following month.