
LGBTQ Critical Support Guide

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLESEN)

Equality Florida

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The School District of Palm Beach County will enhance ongoing efforts to make each Palm Beach County K-12 public school a safer place for all students - with particular emphasis on the often-targeted community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ+) students and staff. It further intends to improve the manner in which administrators go about implementing existing federal, state, local laws and policies concerning harassment and discrimination. To this end the LGBTQ Critical Support Guide was developed. The document in its entirety can be viewed by clicking on the resource section of this page.

The School District of Palm Beach County Policy 1.041 urges that diversity be promoted. Furthermore, it defines "diversity" as being inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

Parents have a very powerful role to play in a LGBTQ youth's life. Research has shown that supportive parenting can significantly affect our children's positive outlook on their lives, their mental health and their self-esteem. The most crucial thing parents can do is to allow our children to be exactly who they are.

Parents can help their children by doing the following:

  • Create a supportive family environment.

  • Maintain open and honest communication with your child.

  • Express love and support for your child.

  • Help connect them to school and community resources.