9th grade

Your freshmen year is the beginning of your high school career. Start off strong and remember that everything you do will be preparing you for your future.


  • Use the Boca High Academic Organizer to keep track of classes taken/need to take, grades, awards, certifications, accolades, community service, clubs, sports, work, etc.

  • Join your Google Classroom and check it weekly for updates.
    Google Classroom Code: sb5vdum

  • Want to connect with Ms. Garofalo for essays? Join her Google Classroom: x4pdicv

  • Check your school email daily. If you cannot check it daily, please check it weekly.

  • Do NOT send emails from your school email to outside of Palm Beach County Schools....you will NOT receive a reply as they will bounce.

  • Need community service? Check the Community Service board by Student Services for new opportunities.

  • Need to talk about life, relationships, testing strategies, etc? Make sure to reach out to your visit the Boca High Counselor Corner website to find out more information.


  • Orient yourself with the College & Career Center. It is in Building 2

  • Find out who your advisor/dean is and introduce yourself

  • Choose a challenging class schedule

  • Get involved on campus (club/team)

  • Take school-wide PSAT (usually in October)


  • Explore colleges & careers

  • Explore potential majors

  • Volunteer - earn community service

  • Start working on a high school resume - make sure to fill out your Boca High Academic Organizer

  • Start a Raise.me account and keep track of your accomplishments


  • Choose challenging classes for 10th grade

  • Plan for summer community service, internship or potential class (learn coding, or reinforce your math skills on KhanAcademy

  • Take FSAs and EOCs

  • Take AICE & AP exams (if applicable)



Room 2-102

Alpha A-K
Room 2-103

Alpha L-Z & Top 10%
Room 2-105

Room 2-112