Step 2 - make a list

After you have you have identified your priorities in Step 1, you are now ready make your initial college list.

There are many college search engines to help you generate a general list of colleges. Below are some popular search engines. Using their filters of type of college, potential major, and location you can get an initial list of colleges. You will need to go more in depth with other filters including degree type, selectivity, tuition, student population, setting, and housing among others to get a more manageable list.

Please note that by using only one or two filters, you will get a larger list and if you use too many filters you will get a very small list. It is best to begin by using only 2-3 filters.

Go to Step 3 to download your worksheet.

This is the most comprehensive search engine. It has the most filters and includes career information.

This is a good general search engine.