Grading Policy

Participation (50%): Grades are determined primarily by evaluation of student participation and effort in rehearsals. Students will receive a weekly participation grade. The grading scale is as follows: 

Exemplary (95-100 points) = The student is consistently focused during class, demonstrates responsibility for being on task, and actively contributes to class in a variety of ways.  The student is consistently prepared with materials and ready to begin when the bell rings. 

Proficient (90-94 points) = The student is usually focused during class, demonstrates responsibility for being on task, and usually contributes to class in a variety of ways.  The student is usually prepared with materials and ready to begin when the bell rings. The student has received a reminder to stay on task or follow class procedures.

Developing (85-89 points) = The student is sometimes focused during class, sometimes demonstrates responsibility for being on task, and sometimes contributes to class in some way.  The student is sometimes prepared with materials and ready to begin when the bell rings. The student has received two or three reminders to stay on task or follow class procedures. 

Emerging (80-84 points) = The student is rarely focused during class or demonstrates responsibility for being on task, and rarely contributes to class.  The student is rarely prepared with materials and ready to begin when the bell rings. The student has received four or more reminders to stay on task or follow class procedures.

Unsatisfactory (0-80 points) = The student has been asked to leave the rehearsal due to failure to stay on task or breaking the PMMS code of conduct (which can be found in the District Handbook) during chorus class (i.e. bullying, skipping class, inappropriate language, etc.). 

Concert Attendance (30%): Attendance at all performances is REQUIRED.  Students are expected to be at performances unless legally absent from school or with prior communication to Ms. Cranmer.  Please mark them on your calendar now!  Concert dates are located on the "events" tab of this website. Excused absences (illness, previously planned trip) may be made up to a value of 100% if this absence is communicated in advance. Unexcused absences (most others) may be made up to a value of 50%. When there is no concert in a marking period, participation becomes 65% and arts process journal becomes 35% of a weighted average.

CONCERT DRESS FOR ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL CHORUSES: PMMS Music Polo (more information coming soon!), long black pants or skirt, black dress socks/stockings and closed-toed black shoes. 

***Please contact Ms. Cranmer well in advance of the concert if you are unable to obtain the appropriate concert dress, so that she may help you do so.  

Arts Process Journal (20%): Students will complete an Arts Process Journal as part of the MYP curriculum. The Arts Process Journal will be unique to each student, but contain components such as music theory, vocabulary, rehearsal and concert reflections, goal setting, and documentation of growth over the course of the year.